Copyright: Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Quadshot Software LLC An event management and online ticket sales platform, built on top of WooCommerce. The mos
Last update - Feb 17th, 2019
GUTENBERG USERS - While it can be used with WP v5.1+, currently our plugin, like many other plugins not by us, does not work with the Gutenberg interface. There are many, many breaking changes that come with Gutenberg which conflict with existing code. Eventually, we will be able to update this plugin to work with Gutenberg; however, as of right now, before you can use this plugin, you must be using the old WYSIWYG to gain access to all functionality. For now, if you disable the Gutenberg editor, and use the old WYSIWYG (typically reverted via a separate plugin), then you can make use of all the features in this plugin.
OpenTickets Community Edition
OpenTickets Community Edition ("OTCE") is a free, open source WordPress plugin that allows you to publish events and sell event tickets online. OTCE was created to allow people with WordPress websites to easily setup and sell tickets to their events.
OTCE is an alternative to other ticketing systems, that will reduce your overhead and eliminate service fees, because it is software you run on your own existing website. It was created for venues, artists, bands, nonprofits, festivals and event organizers who sell General Admission tickets.
OTCE runs on WordPress and requires WooCommerce to operate. WooCommerce is a free open source ecommerce platform for WordPress. You can download your own copy of that from the WooCommerce Plugin Page
With WordPress and WooCommerce installed, you can install the OTCE plugin and start selling event tickets wihtin a few minutes. OTCE information and instructions are available on our website's Community Edition page, or you can watch some of our videos on how to get started on our Videos page.
The OTCE plugin empowers you with tools to:
- Create and Sell Event Tickets
- Display Calendar of Events
- Publish Venues
- Publish Events
- Allow Customers to keep Digital and/or Print e-Tickets
- Checkin People to your Events with a QR Reader
- Event Ticket Reporting
There are also various Enterprise Extensions which add even more functionality to this robust core plugin.
OTCE is licensed under GPLv3.
Your first Event
Need help creating your first ticket and setting up your first event? Visit the OpenTickets Community Edition Basic Help and follow the steps under Creating your first Event, Start to Finish.
Need some help?
Need help getting started? Watch some of our Instructional Videos to learn how to install OpenTickets and setup an event!
- Installation
- Setting up your First Event
- Using the Event Calendar
- For a full list of our Instructional Videos, visit our website's videos page
Get Involved
Are you developer? Want to contribute to the source code? Check us out on the OpenTickets Community Edition GitHub Repository.
Special Thanks
testing and bug reports @bradleysp, @petervandoorn
tranlations @ht-2, @luminia, @ton, @firgolitsch, @jtiihonen, @diplopito, @galapas
The FAQ's for OpenTickets Community Edition is currently located on our website's FAQs Page.
2.10.0 - March/11/2019
- [new] switched to using the qrcodejs library, because google image charts api is going away in 3 days (possible breaking change for custom ticket formats)
2.9.0 - Feb/17/2019
- [fix] repairs the auto-release functionality that happens on every page load, which releases tickets that were never finalized
- [compatibility] updated code to be more compatible with WP 4.9.9
2.8.7 - Dec/7/2017
- [fix] repairing the zone-lock clearing mechanism, so that expired reservations, actually expire again
2.8.6 - Oct/12/2017
- [tweak] adding new hooks for new plugins to interrupt js flow
- [tweak] changes for the family tickets plugin to work
- [fix] possible solution to seating issues
- [fix] updating a template to use new WC3 fetching of order information
2.8.5 - May/30/2017
- [fix] solved issue with adding regular products to order in admin
- [fix] fixing add product, add fee and add shipping buttons
2.8.4 - May/18/2017
- [new] added filter to run function checking if a report can run
- [fix] solved issue where ticket products were not being hidden from shop. must resave each product to resolve
- [fix] resolving order notes issue
- [fix] fixing product search for event ticket setup
2.8.3 - May/5/2017
- [fix] repairing advanced tools event search
2.8.2 - Apr/28/2017
- [fix] fixing new user button issue on edit-order admin screen
- [fix] fixing license key removal issue
- [fix] fixing extension update detection issue by making update checks more aggressive and vastly more numerous
2.8.1 - Apr/25/2017
- [tweak] more changes to resolve WC3 compatibility issues, when OTCE is used with extensions
- [tweak] changes to core plugin so that extensions work with new WC
2.8.0 - Apr/10/2017
- [tweak] reworked all admin fancy select boxes to use new version of select2, instead of previous version
- [tweak] reworked ALL handling of order item meta/data to match new WC formats
- [tweak] reworked order creation flow to match new WC
- [tweak] reworked ticket creation flow to match new WC
- [tweak] reworked admin ticket selection process to work with new WC
- [tweak] reworked admin order save process to work with new WC
- [tweak] reworked core plugin reports screen to work with new WC backend code and frontend js code
- [tweak] reworked how order data is grabbed from the order objects to match new WC flow
- [tweak] updated all admin metabox overrides to use new WC format for order items
- [tweak] cleaned up all warnings and notices caused by new WC update
- [tweak] improved compatibility otce and both WC3 & WC2
2.7.1 - Mar/27/2017
- [tweak] changing how dates are calculated for DST
- [tweak] adjusted event save functions to calculate the proper UTC version of the start time, under certain circumstances
- [fix] repaired 'event sales stop time' calculation
- [fix] corrected a php warning on some settings pages
- [fix] solved warnings on edge case issues for 'view details' button on premium extensions, via plugin page
2.7.0 - Mar/14/2017
- [new] added ability to use qtranslate-x on date format fields in settings
- [tweak] update that condenses reservation updates fo order_id and status into a single step. eliminates potential dupes due to plugin conflicts
- [tweak] added code to account for PHP warnings caused by other plugins mangling internal wordpress data
- [tweak] changed qr code signing so that it no longer relies on site salts
- [tweak] removed 'stats' update code
- [fix] repaired remove from cart bug when using some extensions
2.6.5 - Feb/06/2017
- [new] added tool to restore event tart/end times from backed up values that autoscript created
- [tweak] changed logic of start/end time autofix script, to only run for events that do not have a TZ designation
- [tweak] using home_url instead of site_url for ticket links
- [tweak] added code to prevent php warning in some confirmation emails
- [fix] fixed conflict with cart addons woo plugin
- [fix] repaired an issue where updates were being checked too many times throughout the day, in some case
2.6.4 - Jan/13/2017
- [tweak] made a javascript change that works around the new WC change that prevents the 'change seat' button from working in the admin
- [tweak] another adjustment that solves an edge case daylights savings time issue
2.6.3 - Jan/3/2017
- [fix] fixing issue in admin where subsequent saves of a parent event, sometimes changed the start times of the child events
2.6.2 - Dec/14/2016
- [tweak] changed how start and end times are stored in db
- [tweak] changed calculation of proper local time, given invalid timezones that WP lets you select in settings
- [tweak] patch to make the Simple Fields plugin not overwrite child event saved meta, when saving the parent event
- [tweak] updated jquery date and momentjs date reformatting, based on settings
- [tweak] adjusted some of the visual of the calendar for some themes
- [fix] fixed issue where removing all child events in from a parent event, caused none of the children to get deleted
- [fix] fixed edge case calendar issue where event times were changing per event
2.6.1 - Nov/23/2016
- [fix] fixed issue where sometimes the 'event area' would show as '0' during event creation
- [fix] fixed issue where some time formats were always interpreted as AM when PM would be appropriate
2.6.0 - Nov/18/2016
- [new] major overhaul on displayed time formats. now they are all options in the admin
- [new] ability to edit an individual event, change the start/end time, and update the permalink with auto-redirect of old one
- [tweak] update to better process manually typed in time values when creating and editing events
2.5.3 - Nov/11/2016
- [tweak] changing how we handle DST timestamps display again
2.5.2 - Nov/7/2016
- [translation] updating all translation files with strings for the admin interface
- [translation] updating ES translation for new strings
- [translation] updating NL translation
- [new] adjusting displayed times to handle the DST offset properly
2.5.0 - 10/10/2016
- [tweak] updated date strings for ES translation
- [tweak] updated how google map url is created so that encoding is always correct
- [new] new setting for Google Maps, to provide API key, since Google now requires it for static map usage
- [fix] repaired calendar translations in the admin, so that now it is actually translated
- [fix] repaired issue where sometimes creating a new order in the admin and selecting tickets, caused an error message to show
2.4.6 - 09/13/2016
- [fix] resolved issue in MS-Edge where event areas were not getting filtered by venue selection, during event creation
- [fix] resolved activation scenario where calendar page was not getting auto created sometimes
2.4.5 - 08/19/2016
- [new] support for the new Table Service plugin
- [fix] repaired bug where logged out users who create an account during checkout, and fail their first payment, do no lose their tickets
2.4.4 - 07/29/2016
- fixing modal issues caused by changing in WooCommerce CSS
2.4.3 - 07/26/2016
- added moment-timezone library, missing from last update
2.4.2 - 07/21/2016
- [new] added momentjs-timezone lib to handle differences between server and local machine time conversions when creating events
- [fix] patch to help VBO installs that are in subdirs
- [fix] fixed php7 syntax errors. (thought we already released this, but apparently not)
2.4.0 - 06//16/2016
- [new] added the ability to specify a per-event capacity override using event meta
- [new] added filter to the 'remove child event' flow, so that externals know the event was removed
- [tweak] overhaul on handling of event times, so that they always appear in local time
- [tweak] when adding tickets to an order via the admin, the displayed capacity now updates as you select them
- [fix] repaired reports form submission issue that caused the form to disappear in some cases
- [fix] repaired javascript error preventing certain events from saving in the admin
- [fix] resolved activation bug when activating some themes while OTCE was active
2.3.0 - 04/15/2016
- [DEPRECATE] removed PDF library. all modern browsers/os combos support this natively now
- [tweak] minor js tweaks for extension compatibility
- [fix] repaired ajax bug during ticket selection, caused by WC session update, and it's effects on the nonce values
- [fix] logic tweak to prevent potential edge case GAMP reservation issues
2.2.6 - Mar/31/2016
- [new] private tickets now follow core wordpress 'private post' logic
- [translation] udpated german translation
- [tweak] changed default QR Code generator from phpqrcode library to google apis
- [tweak] added code to help phpqrcode find the wp-config file more easily
- [tweak] moved DOMPDF cache to uploads dir, since that is more likely writable than the plugin dir
- [tweak] changed styling of modals to be sized correctly
- [fix] repaired edgecase overbook bug when using GAMP extension
- [fix] repaired admin ticket selection on GA events
- [fix] repaired i18n datepicker bug
2.2.5 - Mar/23/2016
- [tweak] cleaned up the event repetition interface so that it is more userfriendly now
- [tweak] moved 'new event date' button to be centered with calendar contents
- [tweak] adjusted calendar styling to fix better on the page, and look better
- [tweak] fixed calendar syncing while adding new events, which prevents weird new event start date in some cases
- [fix] repaired update of '_purchases_ea' meta key
- [fix] corrected some typos in error messages
- [fix] repaired 'red Xs' on the admin edit event calendar, so that it no longer removes all events in some cases
2.2.4 - Mar/17/2016
- [tweak] changed all reservation checks to use millesecond precision
- [fix] resolved child event featured image issue
2.2.3 - Mar/11/2016
- [tweak] added code to prevent as many third party plugin and theme PHP errors as possible during PDF generation
- [tweak] saving WYSIWYG based settings no longer strips out formatting
- [tweak] 'custom completed order email message' now only shows on the completed order email
- [fix] fixed frontend calendar population problem, when using an HTTP frontend and an HTTPS backend
- [fix] fixed the 'red x' buttons on the 'black event boxes' on the calendar in the edit event admin page
2.2.2 - Mar/9/2016
- [fix] repaired 'remove reservation' buttons
- [fix] solved issue for users who order tickets from the same event more than once
2.2.1 - Mar/8/2016
- [new] most settings are now qtranslate capable, including email aumentations
- [new] added ability to define a custom translation, outside the plugin directory
- [new] added several filters to ticket reservation process and templates
- [tweak] changed how child events are saved
- [tweak] changed logic so that when the parent event is saved, child event slugs are not updated if the child event exists already
- [fix] fixed 'new event date' interface to accept international date formats
- [fix] corrected resync tool date format problem
2.2.0 - Feb/26/2016
- [new] all tickets on non-cancelled orders are considered 'confirmed' now
- [new] adding an order note during order cancellation that includes information about the tickets that were removed
- [new] added settings to control the ticket state timers for temporary states
- [tweak] disabled phpqr error logging by default, because of pdf creation issues
- [tweak] isolated thumbnail cascade meta lookup to only events
- [tweak] changed js to no longer override $.param function, since it does what we need now
- [tweak] adjusted line item status output on seating report
- [tweak] limiting cart to reservation sync, and pushing it after cart corrections occur
- [tweak] added message to inform user when there are not enough tickets to complete the cart update, when chaning the quantity on the cart with failure
- [tweak] updating admin override templates to better match woocommerce core templates
- [fix] fixed an edgecase overbooking issue, that could occur during admin seat allocation
- [fix] fixed weird order status bugs on seating report
- [fix] corrected a refund template warning
2.1.2 - Feb/12/2016
- [new] added box-office, box-office-manager, and content-manager roles in from old enterprise version
- [tweak] modified code for wp.dompdf.config.php generation for eaccellerate
- [tweak] changed reporting csv header logic so that headers can be defined by event
- [tweak] added ability to modify report columns
- [tweak] restricted event publishing to ppl with the ability to do so
- [fix] repaired a recurring event publish bug dealing with visibility
- [fix] fixed PDF corruption issues, both when WP_DEBUG and not
2.1.1 - Feb/04/2016
- [tweak] changed load order so that cart-timers can be modified in the theme
- [tweak] tweaked checking logic so that proper errors are reported when ticket has been previously checked in
- [fix] fixed bug where ticket codes were improperly reported on attendee report after a checkin
2.1.0 - Jan/21/2016
- [new] calendar is now i18n compatible
- [new] calendar now supports mutliple views
- [new] all calendar event blocks are theme overrideable
- [new] complete revamp of all calendar logic
- [new] new look and feel of calendar
- [new] special order note type was added, which appears on the attendee report
- [new] extra tool for updating data after a migration
2.0.7 - Jan/13/2016
- [new] now compatible with qTranslate X !!!!
2.0.6 - Jan/13/2016
- [new] added ability to make the QR codes either URLs or just Codes
- [new] added QR code to attendee report, so that they can be exported and then imported to third part scanner software
- [fix] eliminated the 'double form' issue when running reports
- [fix] repaired ticket reservation issue when using redirect payment types
2.0.5 - Jan/06/2016
- [new] attendee report shows order status on non-completed orders now, instead of just 'paid'
- [tweak] update to prevent chrome date picker from clashing with jquery datepicker
- [tweak] seating report accuracy increased and notices removed
- [tweak] change QR codes so that they are no longer random on each page load
- [fix] repaired system-status resync tool for 2.0.x
- [fix] added cache buster to reporting js
2.0.4 - Dev/30/2015
- [tweak] internal GA event area functions tweaked for flexibility
- [fix] repaired advanced tools for GA events
- [fix] fixed ticket links for edgecase email and my account issues
2.0.3 - Dec/30/2015
- [tweak] added minor functionality to a couple js tools
- [tweak] retooled base report to be more flexible for advanced reporting
- [tweak] updated seating report title and printer friendly version
- [fix] repaired activation fatal error on WP 4.0.x - 4.3.x
2.0.2 - Dec/22/2015
- [new] added deactivate license link on expired licenses
- [new] updated licenses ui to provide more information
- [tweak] show licenses page even when no extension are detected
2.0.1 - Dec/21/2015
- [tweak] change to handle PDF tickets with long venue descriptions
2.0.0 - Dec/17/2015
- [new] event areas now have their own admin menu, instead of being part of the venues interface
- [new] changed structure of how event areas are handled, which allows multiple event area types to exist on the same install (ga, gamp and seating)
- [new] all frontend and admin UI elements are now overridable in the theme, via templates
- [new] completely revamped entire ticket display template. now the template is modular, and each module is overrideable in the theme
- [new] added column to event-area list page that shows the type of event area
- [improvement] improved accuracy of event availability calculations
- [improvement] improved upcoming tickets section of my-account page for accuracy and performance
- [improvement] improved the performance of the event settings bulk editor
- [improvement] improved accuracy of reservation to cart syncing
- [improvement] improved ticket display and checkin process, and added the ability to use multiple event area types for the displayed tickets
- [improvement] improved performance and usability of the admin ticket selection / ticket change process
- [improvement] various javascript performance and usability improvements
- [improvement] performance & flexibility improvements to the template fetcher
- [fix] repairing edgecase purchase limit bug
- [fix] fixed calendar availability bug
- [fix] fixed 'view all tickets' link bug
- [fix] fixed admin ticket selection modal visual display bugs
- [fix] fixed saving event 1969 bug
- [fix] fixed the 'missing ticket links in email' bug
1.15.0 - Dev/09/2015
- [new] added a method to view all tickets on an order at once
- [tweak] broke ticket templates into small template sections
1.14.14 - Dev/02/2015
- [fix] fixed php syntax errors on script security
1.14.13 - Dec/01/2015
- [new] changed PDF font to Open Sans, for unicode character compatibility (like cyrillic)
- [tweak] changed script security so that it is compatible with eAccelerator
- [tweak] updated existing translation files
1.14.12 - Nov/30/2015
- [new] added filter to the PDF download filename
- [improvement] saving events maintains original sub event author and content
- [fix] repaired 'no-image' functionality on ticket branding images
- [fix] repaired missing ticket links in completed order email edge-case
1.14.11 - Nov/12/2015
- [fix] fixed an edge case where an error was caused by mysql settings requiring case sensitive table names
1.14.10 - Nov/12/2015
- [tweak] modified extension updater to ignore encoding issues
- [tweak] changed how updater inject's the list of extension updates
1.14.9 - Nov/10/2015
- [tweak] adjusted advanced tools to show all matching events in search
- [fix] reservations bug that could combine purchase from same user into single reservation
- [new] added 'checkin only' role, which only has the ability to checkin
- [tweak] changed needed permission for checkin from 'edit_users' to 'checkin'
- [tweak] all users above subscriber/customer can checkin
- [new] ability to set the button text on all ticket UI buttons
- [fix] removed php warnings
- [fix] 1970 bug on hard stop value has been resolved
- [new] ability to have a negative time formula for event sales
- [new] ability to specify a hard stop date time for event sales
- [improvement] changed synopsis generation for perofmance
- [improvement] performance boost for users with seating extension
- [update] new user link on edit order screen has been updated for new WC
- [tweak] modified new reporting class to remove php 5.3 syntax
- [tweak] modified how extensions page grabs list for lower bandwidth installs
- [tweak] modified how extension image caching works to be less of a load on server
- [tweak] now forces an extension update check upon update
- [tweak] updating language files
- [new] added 'extensions' page, with easy access to extension information
- [new] added 'updater', which updates all extensions as if plugins
- [fix] corrected non-js templates
- [deprecate] made the keychain plugin obsolete
- [new] added option to control if parent events are displayed on homepage
- [tweak] by default events are not shown on homepage anymore
- [fix] repaired the product category pages
- [tweak] improved seating extension compatibility
- [fix] corrected changelog entries
- [fix] solved edgecase of admin reserved tickets expiring
- [fix] ticket selection UI removed from ticket display
- [improvement] completely reworked th seating report for speed and efficiency
- [improvement] added printer friendly version of seating report
- [tweak] slight logic change to fix display options extension issue
- [tweak] removed warnings on orderagain logic
- [tweak] changed load order of all js and css to overcome version clashes with WC
- [tweak] hide permalink debug on non wp_debug sites
- [improvement] allows order id lookup in advanced tools
- [new] added advanced tools, which come with a warning
- [new] added code to handle the 'order again' action
- [improvement] more efficient and extendable regular tools
- [improvement] simplified ticket security
- [fix] edge case bug where cart sync process was not working
- [tweak] js tools updated for new Seating features
- [fix] videos outlink on menu repaired
- [new] links to external doc and videos
- [improvement] max quantity on ticket selection set to purchase limit
- [improvement] made 'new event date' button more eyecatching in admin
- [improvement] settings page experience improved
- [tweak] added like us, rate us
- [fix] branding image save issue resolved
- [fix] mutli-day event creation and display issue resolved
- [fix] seating report when working with Seating Extension
- [fix] color picker problems on settings page are resolved
- [fix] resolved Windows Server PDF generation issues
- [tweak] changed base venue info template to include a clear, in case of floaty images and short descriptions
- [translation] updated all PO and MO files, and unfuzzied all entries, so they actually translate
- [translation] updated all date formats for nl_NL translation
- [change] when purchase limit is 1, after adding reservations, the quantity can no longer be edited
- [tweak] minor param tweak for purchase limit to allow WC 2.3.x to work
- [fix] correctd newly introduced php error on edit user pages
- [fix] corrected 'state/county' issue where value keeps setting to 'null'
- [fix] minor php notices during event save process
- [new] feature to limit the number of tickets that can be purchased per event
- [new] feature to allow locking the quantity after the user selected it the first time. users can still un-reserve
- [tweak] removed some legacy code that was cluttering up JS
- [tweak] updating old syntax jQuery to modern syntax
- [change] all 'reserved' tickets count against the availability
- [tweak] more ability to debug checkin process
- [tweak] better error reporting on checkin process
- [fix] transition from and too seating plugin
- [fix] edge case overbooking bug
- [update] updated DE and FI translations
- [tweak] changed how menu is constructed
- [tweak] removed pdf warnings and streamlined pdf code generation slightly
- [fix] menu items not getting translations
- [fix] 'show time' option was not actually showing time. resolved
- [update] added security to all directories for misconfigured server protection
- [update] added security to top of all templates
- [tweak] changed some messages to respect new show available counts option
- [tweak] cleaned up non-js version css
- [new] added global option to control display of the availability counts
- [update] complete take over of db upgrade, so null are handled
- [tweak] added cached _price for DO extension
- [fix] resolved checkin bug when using the seating plugin
- [fix] capacity bug has been refixed
- [fix] fixed doing it wrong on legacy code
- [translation] added pt_BR translation
- [new] added date/time to display on cart, checkout, my account, and edit order screens
- [update] manually added translation for new date format m/d/Y to all POs
- [update] changed 'cart' to 'basket' in GB translations
- [tweak] added order_item_id to $ticket in the ticket template
- [tweak] updated EA form (and other js forms) to accept accented characters
- [fix] bbpress (and other plugin) compatibility
- [fix] solved edge-case problem with date picker on event edit pages
- [fix] repaired event save issue
- [fix] mediabox image selection bug
- [translation] added FI translation
- [translation] added ES translation
- [translation] NL translation corrections
- [new] the ability to toggle date and time on child event titles
- [update] all translation files have new strings
- [update] legacy global $woocommerce replaced with WC()
- [tweak] some js libs are now more accurate
- [fix] calendar template loader (edge case php warning)
- [fix] event area display limit corrected in venue edit page
- [fix] PDF ticket map issue now resolved
- added public api to fetch plugin settings
- added new js for i18n datepicker
- updated nl_NL translation. @Ton
- tweaked report page tab rendering
- tweaked report js to remove legacy jquery functions
- fixed a bug in the_content filter for event descriptions
- fixed report related notices
- fixed PDF render when installation in subdirectory
- added a wrapper to each lib that bails if lib is already present
- added an indication on the settings page that the 6th ticket image is static
- added filter to obtain event availability
- added ability to augment 'Tools' page
- tweaked PDF font updates to overwrite upon plugin update
- tweaked event area frontend image sizing css
- fixed PDF render problems
- added country and state selection to venue info form, modeled after WC user info
- added map to venue info page output
- added wysiwyg to notes and instructions fields for venues
- added adjacent post code fixes
- fixed blank site bug
- added venue image to ticket page
- added more informative error messages for ticket display problems
- added venue information print out on venue pages, with options
- added strings for availability labels
- fixed end time bug on ticket
- fixed ticket data aggregation warning
- added dutch translation (@luminia)
- added data requirements check to ticket display template
- added css to ticket selection UI to handle float issues above and below
- tweaked settings for synopsis so they are adjacent
- tweaked billing data check on admin order save for pending and cancelled orders
- tweaked ticket printing styles
- changed admin order save billing data validation to mirror checkout
- adding css libraries that WC removed
- updated PO and MO files
- removed several deprecated templates and files
- added PDF file preprocessor, to improve performance and eliminate local & remote asset problems
- added branding image row to tickets, with configurable images, configured on OT settings page (intruderHT : @ht-2)
- added many blocks of code documentation where previously absent
- added ability to set both images on ticket
- added logic to properly handle map images on PDF
- added system status tool to remove local ticket asset cache
- added custom DOMPDF settings generator upon install
- added security to DOMPDF lib core files
- added backbone modal handler
- added deprecated action and filter handler
- tweaked ticket qr code image to have dimensions and to be slightly smaller
- tweaked permalink flush on install
- updated all admin order screen takeover templates
- updated ticket format for i18n compat (intruderHT : @ht-2)
- replaced old media library tool on venue edit screen
- fixed ticket image alignment
- fixed shipping order item column alignment in admin
- fixed month name typo in admin
- fixed recurring event date problem in admin even ui
- updated admin templates for latest WC compatibility
- updated admin js for jQuery Migrate compatibility
- updated all PO and MO files with latest strings (need translations)
- improved order admin takeover styling
- removed double call to WC saved_items action
- removed old legacy admin template takeovers
- added UK translation PO and MO for date formatting
- added German translation, thanks to H.T. (@ht-2)
- added changes to the ticket format to accommodate i18n
- added ability to choose synopsis location on event pages
- added template for 'past event' display
- improved OTCE version storage in db
- fixed IE js issue on order pages
- added version number of plugin to DB for external plugins
- improved cart to reservation syncing, and vice versa
- removed cruft JS code
- removed obselete payment gateway patches
- added ability for PO file to control date formats in datepickers
- added core en_US PO
- updated italian PO
- added js polyfill for hide-if-js-less themes
- added filter for ticket information on ticket template
- added 'has' feature to QS.CBS js utility
- improved admin order load event function documentation and readability
- improved checkin code to be more extendable
- improved order/cart to reservation syncing
- improved ticket code generation function and ticket assignment
- repaired edgecase unconfirm function issue
- repaired edgecase reservation error
- added a default event.css, for those without write access
- added a default calendar.css for those without write access
- added calendar color settings to admin panel
- improved calendar theme framing
- tweaked non-js ticket selection to look more like js version
- tweaked calendar template to be more cross theme friendly
- tweaked calendar style to be a bit more responsive
- fixed single ticket QR urls
- fixed visual of 'red box' in javascript enable browsers
- changed PDF to be a download file instead of browser load
- changed QRs to embeded images instead of separate requests, when generating the PDF
- tweaked/forked dompdf to not require allow_url_fopen
- moved login augmentation to early loaded location
- moved all modules and plugin loads until after all plugins loaded
- tweaked db upgrade process to handle rare mysql letter case issue
- turned off db errors during db upgrade
- added additional template location checks
- added 'tool' to force db reinit
- changed child event title date format to WP date setting
- enhanced db-upgrade process to handle missing tables and to allow 'pre updates' to be run
- fixed QR Code not showing issue (thanks @backbeatjohn)
- tweaked logic to account for GAMP plugin reservations
- fixed alternate view of myaccount page
- added a 'top customized completed email' setting
- tweaked spacing on the 'new user' button, so it is away from the new WC
- 'view other orders' link
- tweaked 'multiday event' display
- fixed 'locked event settings' box issue
- fixed calendar event fetch edgecase bug
- fixed locale issue on my account page
- fixed the 'customized email' issue
- added missing file
- added the ability to change the event url slug
- added code to uniquify the ticket QRs while maintaining security
- added login page for QR Code failures, if applicable
- tweaked checkin process to work with default permalinks
- tweaked js tools to be more flexible
- fixed several php notices
- removed cruft files
- fixed the 'removed event area' issue
- fixing plugin description typo
- added wysiwyg to settings page for html email
- fixed conflict with The Events Calendar plugin
- fixed weird ordering problem on event settings
- fixed minor bug in system status page
- added WC2.3 compatibility
- updated 'edit order' metabox takeovers for WC2.3
- tweaked 'new event' form styles
- fixed several residual php notices
- removed WC2.1 compatibility
- updated faqs and such
- updated style and template for calendar to look better on 2015 theme
- fixed event css writer code
- fixed the non-ssl to ssl-ajax cookie problem for the calendar
- fixed display of the protected events for 4.1
- fixed frontend to backend http to https issue (force ssl admin issue)
- added patch for CORE bug caused by FORCE_SSL_ADMIN and CORS standards
- updated all js callback areas to use QS.CB
- fixed 'new event date' button bug
- fixed 'event settings' js bug
- added ability to order QS.CB callback functions
- updated order data metabox takeover class variable visibility for latest woocmmerce version
- fixed post_parent__not_in and post_parent__in sql syntax errors
- fixed the 'new event date' button bug
- fixed deprecated php that causes ticket selection to not work
- added more information to the system status page
- changed how IPN payment completions mark tickets paid
- added the 85% of i18n changes that were missed during the first merge
- added the paypal gateway patch
- added system status page and tools page
- added tools to repair paypal issue
- repaired cart to ticket sync, so paid tickets are not removed
- repaired ticket validation form and admin user access
- added i18n support
- added po for italian
- fixed 'compile stylesheet' error
- added frontend style settings page
- added styling to the settings pages
- added settings for frontend colors (thanks @bradleysp)
- added ticket option for order number on ticket
- added ticket option for image to use on ticket (thanks @bradleysp)
- added ticket option for using shipping info instead of billing info (thanks @bradleysp)
- added ending date to ticket
- moved settings to appropriate new settings pages
- removed frontend event.css file, and made it create on activate & settings save
- added overloader function for coupons extension
- repaired more logic to handle the new GAMP plugin
- fixed core event saving visibility bug
- added code to update internal table names when switching blogs
- improved woocommerce check to include network plugins
- added better error handling on ticket reservation form
- improved 'qsBlock' code to adjust properly to covered element size
- updated 'over available tickets' check to be more universal
- repaired 'my-orders' section of the my account printout on the edit user page in the admin (thanks @rjh1990)
- repaired ticket confirmation code to be more universal
- added more filters and hooks for extensions
- added multiple hooks to help support new multi price plugin
- fixed bug with event area image selection, when adding multiple EAs
- updated javasript declaration locations which resolves the event area add button bug
- added setting to customize the event base url (@Temitayo Akeem)
- repaired 'user profile'/'edit user' page php errors
- repaired 'new event area' on 'new venue' bug (@cbell)
- added filter to inform other plugins of sub-event save
- added more javascript hooks
- added various utility functions to core class
- improved base styling of ticket selection form
- improved zoner flexibility
- improved cart to reservation table (and vice versa) syncing
- improved handling of multiple different values when editing event settings
- updated order item display on order confirmations to show label for ticket link
- removed unused icon files
- repaired 'new event area' saving bug
- repaired infinite loop bug when saving orders in admin
- repaired sprite filename
- repaired 'event settings' underlapping next metabox bug
- corrected ticket selection error message verbiage
- tweaked change log
- added ticket checked in count to checkin status screens
- repaired the checkin process (thanks @bradleysp)
- updated admin order save billing information validation
- updated qrcode declaration to account for possible different server setups (thanks @bradleysp & @regenbauma)
- repaired edge case infinite loop on admin order save
- repaired the event date editor so that it proper handles empty dates
- repaired the event date editor in the 'event settings' ui
- added the ability to 'password protect' events like you would normally do for a regular post (thanks @bradleysp)
- updated the 'event settings' ui to handle new funcitonality and to be better organized
- updated calendar styling to have visual markers depending on event status
- repaired 'hidden event' functionality so that those users with the link can view the event (thanks @bradleysp)
- changed image format of map so it always shows in PDF tickets (thanks @bradleysp)
- repaired the empty cart issue (thanks @regenbauma) for anonymous users
- tweaked woocommerce checker to check for github-generated plugin directories
- changed image format of barcode so it always shows in PDF tickets (thanks @bradleysp)
- repaired email ticket link auth code verification
- repaired a my-account event visibility bug
- updated myaccount page to not show ticket links until order is complete
- adjusted WC ajax takeovers so that our metaboxes are loaded on save/load order items
- repaired 'new user' funcitonality on the edit order screen
- repaired auto loading of user information when user is selected during admin order creation
- repaired the issue where ticket purchases were getting tallied multiple times (thanks Robert Trevellyan)
- repaired installation bug where event links are not immediately available
- removed new WooCommerce stati from event stati list
- woocommerce 2.2.0+ compatibility patches
- added backward compatibility for WC2.1.x
- updated all edit order metaboxes in admin
- converted all order status checkes to WC2.2.x method
- repaired new order status change bug where reservations were getting cancelled
- added the ability to choose the date the event calendar opens to
- fixed bug where ticket links become available before order is completed
- added functionality to base reporting class for easier extension
- added upcoming tickets panel to my-account page
- updated ticket permalinks to work with 'default permalinks'
- fixed event permalinks problem when using 'default permalinks' - Core WP Bug
- fixed reporting page tab selection bug
- added a minimum memory limit check/auto adjust if possible
- added better event date range function
- changed API for reporting to be more flexible
- repaired event date range calculation
- added plugin icons
- changed the 'inifinite login' feature, so that it works with 4.0 and does not prevent 4.0 from handling sessions properly
- removed more php notices
- changed how frontend ajax is handled
- repaired seating report for recent changes
- removed 'web interfaces' from included packages, for compliance
- changed how the order details metabox is overtaken, to preserve WC methodology
- repaired edge case with zoner entry removal
- repaired ticket display area name issue
- repaired more php notices
- repaired php notice issues
- removed deprecated user query filtering
- updated ticket permalinks to automatically work on installation
- initial public release
Instructional Videos
If you are more of a 'just give me a video to show me how to do it' type person, then we have a few new videos that can help show you how to Install and Setup OpenTickets.
- Installation
- Setting up your First Event
- Using the Event Calendar
- For a full list of our Instructional Videos, visit our website's videos page
Basic Installation
These instructions are pretty universal, standard methods employed when you install any plugin. If you have ever installed one for your WordPress installation, you can probably skip this part.
The below instructions assume that you have:
- Downloaded the OpenTickets software from
- Have already installed WooCommerce, and set it up to your liking.
- Possess a basic understanding of WooCommerce concepts, as well as how to create products.
- Have either some basic knowledge of the WordPress admin screen or some basic ftp and ssh knowledge.
- The ability to follow an outlined list of instructions.
Via the WordPress Admin:
- Login to the admin dashboard of your WordPress site.
- Click the 'Plugins' menu item on the left sidebar, usually found somewhere near the bottom.
- Near the top left of the loaded page, you will see an Icon, the word 'Plugins', and a button next to those, labeled 'Add New'. Click 'Add New'.
- In the top left of this page, you will see another Icon and the words 'Install Plugins'. Directly below that are a few links, one of which is 'Upload'. Click 'Upload'.
- On the loaded screen, below the links described in STEP #4, you will see a location to upload a file. Click the button to select the file you downloaded from
- Once the file has been selected, click the 'Install Now' button.
- Depending on your server setup, you may need to enter some FTP credentials, which you should have handy.
- If all goes well, you will see a link that reads 'Activate Plugin'. Click it.
- Once you see the 'Activated' confirmation, you will see new icons in the menu.
- Start using OpenTickets Community Edition.
Via SSH:
- FTP the file you downloaded from to your server. (We assume you know how to do this)
- Login to your server via ssh. (.... you know this too).
- Issue the command
cd /path/to/your/website/installation/wp-content/plugins/
, where /path/to/your/website/installation/wp-content/plugins/ is the plugins directory on your site. cp /path/to/ .
, to copy the downloaded file to your plugins directory.unzip
, to unzip the downloaded file, creating an opentickets directory inside your plugins directory.- Open a browser, and follow steps 1-2 under 'Via the WordPress Admin' above, to get to your 'plugins' page.
- Find OpenTickets on your plugins list, click 'Activate' which is located directly below the name of the plugin.
- Start using OpenTickets Community Edition.
Start using it
Setup a 'ticket product':
- Login to the admin dashboard of your WordPress site.
- Click the 'Products' menu item on the left sidebar.
- Near the 'Products' page title, click the 'Add Product' button.
- Fill out the product name and product description, in the middle column of the page.
- In the 'Product Data' metabox, check the box next to 'Ticket'
- In the upper right hand metabox labeled 'Publish', edit the 'Catelog visibility' and change it to 'hidden'.
- Fill out any other information you may require, and then click the blue 'Publish' button.
Setup a 'Venue':
- Login to the admin dashboard of your WordPress site.
- Click the 'Venues' menu item on the left sidebar.
- Near the 'Venues' page title, click the 'Add Venue' button.
- Fill out the venue name and the venue description, as you did with the ticket product.
- Further down the middle column, fill out the 'Venue Information' metabox
- If applicable, fill out the 'Venue Social Information' metabox.
- Complete any other information you wish on the page, and click the blue 'Publish' button.
Setup an 'Event Area':
- Login to the admin dashboard of your WordPress site.
- Click the 'Venues' menu item on the left sidebar.
- Click the title of the venue you created earlier, as if to edit the venue information.
- Find the metabox labeled 'Event Areas'.
- Click the 'add' button inside the Event Areas metabox.
- Click 'Select Image' and use the media library to choose an image that shows the layout of the event.
- Give the area a name.
- Set a positive 'capacity'. This should be the maximum number of tickets available for this event.
- Select the 'ticket product' you created earlier, under the 'Available Pricing' option.
- Click the blus 'save' button inside the metabox.
Setup an 'Event':
- Login to the admin dashboard of your WordPress site.
- Click the 'Events' menu item on the left sidebar.
- Near the 'Events' page title, click the 'Add Event' button.
- Fill out the event name and description, in the middle column of the page.
- Setup the showing date and times in the 'Event Date Time Settings' metabox, which has a similar interface to Google Calendar.
- Click the 'New Event Date' button in the middle of the calendar header.
- Fillout the starting and ending date and time of the first day of this event.
- If this event will happen more than once, check the 'repeat...' checkbox
- Fill out the repeat interval information
- Once all the event date and repeat interval information is filled out, click the blue 'Add to Calendar' button.
- Verify that your event dates have been added to the calendar, by browsing the calendar using the calendar navigation.
- Click the 'New Event Date' button in the middle of the calendar header.
- Further down in the 'Event Date Time Settings' box, under the 'Event Date/Times' heading, find the list of events you just created.
- Using standard 'selection techniques' (eg: "shift" to select adjacent items, "cmd/ctrl" to select individual items), select any number of your event showings.
- On the right hand side of the list, some basic settings will appear. Adjust the settings accordingly.
- Visibility - determines who can see the showing, and where it appears.
- Venue - the "Venue" in which the showing is taking place.
- Area / Price - the "Event Area" and accompanying ticket price for the event
- Click the blue 'Publish' button in the upper right metabox