General (0 plugins) | |||||
Unsorted Plugins (95 plugins) | ||||||||
Plugin Name | Version | Rating | Reviews | Downloads | Flag | |||
Authors based on recent posts | 0.1 | 100 | 4 | 390 |
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This plugin is used to list all the authors based on their recent activity / Post Note* : Please take a backup of your database before installing the plugin while installing on Production sites | ||||||||
MyCommentAuthors | 1.6 | 96 | 5 | 732 |
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Publish a list of your commentators and their number of comments for a certain month on a blog post Generate a list of your comment authors for a given month of the year. Then create a blog post to thank them for commenting on your blog. This is a great way to attract more repeat visit to your blog. By publishing a list of your commentators, you make them feel welcome and encouraged For those who are more active, you may want to give them a dofollow link on the list by setting a certain number of comments that will be required for the dofollow link to be enabled. Get more help See more on this plugin blog post here and leave your feeback | ||||||||
Better Author Metabox | 1.0.2 | 60 | 2 | 309 |
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Lets you safely override the built-in Author metabox with one that includes more users. Inspired by this trac ticket, this plugin can override the Authors metabox on the post add/edit screen, letting users who can edit other people's posts, reassign a post to others user on the site. This is especially useful in situations where you've created custom user roles that WordPress doesn't recognize as Authors. If you want to allow your content editors and administrators to assign new or existing content to anyone, you'll (hopefully) like this plugin very much indeed. I'm guessing this plugin requires 3.5 or greater, but it was developed using WordPress 4.1. | ||||||||
IndiaSan User or Author Image | 1.0.2 | 90 | 8 | 1339 |
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IndiaSan User or Author Image Plugin allows your website's users to set image to their profile. This will add more fun to your website! Just go to Users -> Your Profile -> Profile Picture and choose your photo using wordpress media uploader. All Done, Your Profile Picture is set, It will be displayed on your entire website! | ||||||||
WP Author Status | 1.0 | 100 | 2 | 357 |
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"WP Author Status" plugin allows authors to easily update their status to WordPress site. "WP Author Status" is a very simple and easy WordPress plugin, which allows each author of your WordPress site to share their status. The status can be shown in anywhere of their posts. Usage Install and activate the plugin. A new widget named as "Author Status Widget" will be available in your dashboard. Credits Developer: Md. Iftekharul Ibna Alam Website: | ||||||||
Change Author Link Structure | 1.0 | 100 | 4 | 791 |
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To prevent that usernames are publically visible, the username in the author's permalink is replaced with the author's ID. To prevent that usernames are publically visible, the username in the author's permalink is replaced with the author's ID. In case the page is invoked with the default permalink structure, it is displayed "Page not found". Additionally it is possible to modify the author base. It is recommended to make use of this plugin to change it, but it also works with other plugins that have the functionality to customize the author base. | ||||||||
Individual Multisite Author | 1.2.5 | 100 | 7 | 1406 |
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This plugin enables individual author descriptions for each single blog in a multisite network. When running WordPress Multisites to maintain various top level domains or a multilingual version of your site you might probably run into the problem of having the same author description / biography on each of them. This is unfortunate not only on multilingual sites. Long story short, this plugin enables you to enter the author biography for each user on a per blog basis. You don’t have to do anything, but to install and activate the plugin and to enter the author bio into through the dashboard(s) of your site(s). Please visit the github repository on if you want to contribute, post a specific feature request or bug report. Some things site admins and developers might want to know: the plugin only works when multisite support is enabled, but wouldn’t harm a normal blog when activated (is just not doing anything there) the biography is saved using a custom profile field for each blog with the pattern 'ima_description_BLOGID', e.g. img_description_3 the filter get_the_author_description is used to load the "right" description; this is used by the_author_meta() and get_the_author_meta() functions | ||||||||
Rename Author Slug | 1.2.0 | 70 | 4 | 815 |
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This simple plugin changes the author based permalink slug 'author' to anything you wish. This simple plugin changes the user based permalink slug 'author' to anything you wish. For example, you have an e-learning management system where different members teach on different topics. Each member has his/her unique profile url (author permalink) something like this: Now you wish the word 'author' to be changed to 'teacher'. So, this is the plugin you need. | ||||||||
Message to Author | 1.0.1 | 100 | 2 | 460 |
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This is very basic plugin which allow you to message directly to author of the post. So author can see your message after login It has two front-end layout 1. Front-end for General user- which is me... ssage button and poping up for message box 2. Front-end for author- show all message to author in table view ------USER INSTRUCTION----- Use shortcode [m2a_message_button]button text[/m2a_message_button] for put messaging button And [m2a_deshboard] for deshboard | ||||||||
Elokenz - Author's Most Shared Articles | 2.0.4 | 100 | 3 | 714 |
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Widget for bloggers using "authorship" attribution. Show your readers your best articles, wherever they are written.. If you are tagging your articles with the "authorship" markup from Google+, and want to collect your best articles from around the web (from all your blogs), this plugin is made for you. You will be able to collect and show the number of mentions from Twitter, Facebook and Google+ for all your articles and display the top 5. You can also use the widget for multi-authors blogs. Before using the plugin, you must make sure that you have some articles associated to your google+ author profile. In order to do that, log into and wait until our bot visits your websites. This takes in general less than 5 minutes. | ||||||||
Plugin Name | Version | Rating | Reviews | Downloads | Flag | |||
Awesome Authors List | 1.0.0 | 68 | 5 | 1215 |
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List and Display your authors in any way you want by using our shortcode generator. Plugin developed by Render Innovations, this Awesome Authors Listing plugin allows individuals to select how they want to list their Authors! Simply activate the plugin, and check which options you want to present your author. Example; maybe you only want to list the photo, display name, the email and their website... Just check those choices click preview and you're good to go! It will generate a shortcode for you so you can place it anywhere on your Wordpress website. You'll also be able to preview what the author listing will look like! CSS styling is up to you on this free version. Premium version (coming soon) allows you to select a theme, and to select any user role you have plus more! | ||||||||
Post Author Filter | 0.2 | 76 | 6 | 1572 |
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Add a author selection on post / page editpage English: This Plugin extends the post/page list and adds a author filter If they have more translations for this plugin, please send email to, I will then install. Entrys in the changelog with numbers means the ticket id on Deutsch: Dieses Plugin fügt der Seiten / Beiträge Auflistung einen Filter nach Autorennamen hinzu. Wenn sie weitere Übersetzungen für dieses Plugin haben, bitte per E-Mail an schicken, ich werde sie dann einbauen. Einträge im changelog mit Zahlen verweisen auf die Ticket ID auf | ||||||||
Rate this Author | 1.3 | 60 | 3 | 855 |
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This is a very simple and lightweight Plugin for rating authors by visitors. It allows the visitors to rate an author of a post, if they like any. On installation Average rating stars, "Want to 'Rate this Author?" button and list of approved visitors(who viewed that author) is shown up automatically. On clicking "Want to 'Rate this Author?" button a popup form populates in the lightbox. A visitor can fill the required information i.e.:- Name Email City Visitor's own profile image Rating stars(Choose how many stars you want to give this author) Comments. and submit it. On submission it goes in admin. An admin has access to all the reviews. Here he can either approve or delete a review. An author also has access to review list but he can approve or delete only those reviews which were rated to him. An admin can also change default error and success message in Admin -> Rate this Author -> Settings. Key Features Easy to Install. Rate any author. Rate by giving stars. Easy to operate. No major setting. Easy to Customize. Note A visitor can only review a single author with one valid email ID. He can't review same author twice or more. He may review another author. | ||||||||
Author WIP Progress Bar | 1.0 | 100 | 5 | 1439 |
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The WIP Progress Bar plugin allows writers and authors to display beautiful progress bars on their WordPress websites via a Widget or by using a short The WIP (Work in Progress) Progress Bar is the plugin I wanted as an author for my website. The WIP-Progress Bar adds beautiful progress bars (AKA progress meters) via Widgets or by generating a shortcode. The plugin tracks word or page count goals, current word or page count, and calculates the progress by showing the completion percentage and displaying that with a very cool progress bar with multiple colors and other choices to choose from. The plugin also allows the writer to display a hyperlink, their book cover from the media library, and custom text along with the progress bar. | ||||||||
Favorite Authors | 1.2 | 100 | 2 | 599 |
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Favorite Authors allows you to add all of your favorite authors on your account. Simply add <?php fav_authors_link(); ?> on your template files to display Favorite button and use [favorite-aut... hors-list] shortcode on page or post to show favorited author list. Please email me for any comments or questions Github | ||||||||
Disclaimer and Notification Manager for Authors | 1.0.2 | 100 | 3 | 973 |
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Disclaimer and Notification Manager for Authors This plugin simplify the process of adding Disclaimers and Custom Notifications at the top, middle or bottom of articles written by Guest contributors. Features Set a disclaimer text or notification that will display in every post made by guest authors. Choose the authors that will have a disclaimer or notification displayed in their post. Ability to set custom disclaimer or notification in each and every post. Built-in editor for adding CSS Styles for the Disclaimer text / notification Choose which post position to display the Disclaimer / custom notification - top, middle, bottom. Placeholder to auto-magically include authors first name, last name and username without to manually type the author name of the article.. See Also ProfilePress: A shortcode based WordPress form builder that makes building custom login, registration and password reset forms stupidly simple. More info here | ||||||||
Authors Autocomplete Meta Box | 1.2 | 100 | 4 | 1554 |
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Replaces the default WordPress Author dropdown with a meta box that allows you to select the author via Autocomplete. Replaces the default WordPress Author meta box (that has an author dropdown) with a meta box that allows you to select the post's, or page's, author via Autocomplete. Can really come in handy if you have a lot of authors and are tired of scrolling through that long author dropdown. | ||||||||
TSP Authors Note | 1.0.2 | 100 | 2 | 835 |
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The Software People's (TSP) Author's Note allows you to add author's notes and after-thoughts to your blog posts and pages. Requirements Requires the installation and activation of TSP Easy Dev Late... st Version Features Included Add an author's note or after-thought to your pages and/or posts Display author's note in widget, page or post Show author's gravatar Link to author's website Display author's social links Show author's bio Author's Note is optional, without it display author bio information only Basic Information Add an author's note wherever you want to display author's info You can add a note via a widget, page or post If using a widget, remember to add an authors note shorttag to the post or page (see below) Default shortcode settings can be changed via TSP Plugins->Authors Note settings page Shortcodes Add a Author's Note to posts and pages by using a shortcode inside your text or evaluated from within your theme. You may override page/post Author's Note options with shortcode attributes defined on the plugin's settings page. [tsp-authors-note]Did I really write this?[/tsp-authors-note] - Will display a authors note with the default options defined in the plugin's settings page. [tsp-authors-note title="On After-Thought" show_bio=Y show_pic=Y show_name=Y style=1 show_website=Y show_links=Y]Did I really write this?[/tsp-authors-note] - Will override attributes defined on the plugin's settings page. | ||||||||
Mention comment's Authors by Wabeo | 0.9.8 | 90 | 12 | 5050 |
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When adding a comment, your users can directly mentioning the author of another comment, like facebook or twitter do,using the "@" symbol. "Mention comment's authors" is a plugin that improves the WordPress comments fonctionality, adding a response system between authors. When adding a comment, your readers can directly mentioning the author of another comment, like facebook or twitter do,using the "@" symbol. This mention plugin add two features : In the comments field, when an user entered the "@" symbol, it allows, through an autocompletion system, to quote (or poke) a preceding commentator. Once comments validated, the mentioned names take the appearance of buttons. When the user clicks on it, window scrolls to the preceding comment from the person named. A class is added to it, for temporarily customize it in CSS. This WordPress plugin is based on "jquery-sew" jQuery plugin, by You can find more information on this post : wabeo : Un système de réponse dans les commentaires | ||||||||
Simply Guest Author Name | 3.4 | 96 | 5 | 2251 |
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Create a post and override the author name with one or more names or text. You can also create a link for the author name field Version 3.4 Create a post and override the author name with one or more names or text. You can also create a link for the author name field, add a description and an email address for the gravatar. For quicker support, please visit the plugin page on the Shoofly Solutions web page. Donations for extended support are appreciated but are never required! Please be kind and rate this plugin. Everything helps! | ||||||||
Plugin Name | Version | Rating | Reviews | Downloads | Flag | |||
Symbiostock - Sell Your Images! | 3.2.3 | 94 | 27 | 12788 |
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Symbiostock allows artists, illustrators and photographers to sell their photos, videos and stock images online quickly and easily. Ever thought about monetizing all those great travel photos? Just can't get enough of taking shots of delicious foods? Well, now instead of just storing all these images on your phone or computer, you can showcase them and actually sell them to magazines and bloggers using Symbiostock! The Symbiostock download on WordPress is Symbiostock Lite - Symbiostock Lite is for basic use. Symbiostock Pro is a free, fuller plugin with much more features - to make full use of the Symbiostock plugin, please download Pro via the link below. For all the advanced features, including custom watermarks, licensing, protected downloads and more, download the Symbiostock Pro upgrade for free! Check out the Symbiostock demo site to see Symbiostock Pro in action. Pro vs Lite Symbiostock Lite is a WooCommerce extension that allows you to upload JPEGs that will automatically be watermarked and added to WooCommerce as a digital product. Once installed, you will see a new 'Upload Media' tab under your WooCommerce products header. Once uploaded, an image will be added as a digital product in draft mode, ready to be purchased and downloaded by customers. Symbiostock Pro is a free upgrade to Lite that offers advanced licensing, image manipulation, and other features, including the option of uploading videos, illustrations and vectors, with optional agency distribution and more. Symbiostock Pro is a full application that allows both professionals and amateurs alike to easily upload and automate the entire management of their online media store. It also allows you to include your media in Symzio, the first contributor controlled agency. Please remember that Symbiostock Lite products are not compatible with Symbiostock Pro, so it is advisable to upgrade to Pro right from the get-go. Fully Automated Once your WordPress site is online and Symbiostock has been installed, all you have to do is upload photos and Symbiostock does the rest. Licensing, pricing, even delivering protected content to customers is all done automatically and all you do is one-click upload. Pro only Symbiostock Hosting Perhaps one of the most powerful features provided with Symbiostock is the hosting service created by the developers themselves. As Symbiostock bridges that gap between website and photo/video software like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, it requires quite a bit of processing power which many web-hosts are unable to provide. Symbiostock Hosting provides high-end, cutting-edge hosting at competitive rates to eliminate any issues users may encounter with other hosts. Symzio Integration In addition to selling all your stuff on your own WordPress site, you can also become a Symzio contributor and all of your Symbiostock media will automatically be included and displayed for sale on Symzio connects all member Symbiostock sites together to provide customers one simple front end where they can search all the hundreds of Symbiostock sites at once, and make purchases in real-time. Pro only Large Community Via the Symbiostock Forums you can meet other Symbiostockers, ask questions and provide assistance to others. Showcase your site and network with others. Even the Symbiostock developers often interact on the official forums. Once you join Symbiostock, you're part of the Symbiostock family! Technical Features FTP & Web Uploads. Upload all your images via FTP or a browser. Imagick & GD Support. Use either Imagick or the built in PHP GD library for image processing. Automatic thumbnails. All your images are protected via your custom watermark and thumbnails are automatically created. Fully supports Vectors. With Imagick, you can sell vectors as both vectors and raster images. Custom delivery format. Choose JPEG, PNG, GIF or others for customer downloads. Symbiostock converts everything automatically. Robust licensing. Create your own licenses, edit pricing and licensing individually or globally using powerful filters. Secure downloads. All image downloads are protected, files hidden from public view. Decide how many times, and for how much time, images can be downloaded once purchased. Bulk editing. Change titles, descriptions, tags in bulk. Full Metadata support. Symbiostock reads metadata when importing media and can write all your changes back to media. Converts your WordPress install into a full metadata editor. Compatible with any WordPress theme. As Symbiostock is built on WordPress, you can use ANY WordPress theme and it will work beautifully with Symbiostock. EU VAT Supported. With optional third party plugins, works to charge correctly, collect evidence, and even allow business customers to be exempted under the new EU VAT regulations. Pro only Support All support is performed on in our forums. You may also submit custom support requests via our premium support system. Premium Add-ons Symbiostock Hosting The most powerful WordPress hosting on the web today. With one-click installs, custom domains and email addresses, if you want to get up and running as soon as possible for under $10/month, go with Symbiostock Hosting. Nearly all technical issues surrounding using Symbiostock are server related - with Symbiostock Hosting, all those issues are eliminated. Symbiostock Express Our customized, responsive, mobile-friendly Symbiostock theme. Highly customizable, this is used by a majority of Symbiostock users. Symbiostock Express demo. Symbiostock Video Adds full video support to Symbiostock. With the Symbiostock Video plugin, you can upload videos directly to Symbiostock just as you would images. Previews are created with your custom watermark and it is fully compatible with the Symbiostock Submitter plugin. Symbiostock Submitter Powerful addition to Symbiostock that automatically submits all your new media to stock agencies such as Adobe Stock and Shutterstock. Streamlined so all you have to do is upload your media, keyword it, and the system automatically does the rest. Requires that the agency support FTP uploads. Pro only Constant Innovation Symbiostock is constantly being improved, so keep up to date by joining our forum and introducing yourself. | ||||||||
PBP own post, media & comments for Author | 2.2 | 100 | 3 | 1511 |
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Own post, media & comments show for another role without administrator & editor. This plugin allows to restrict user with Author and Contributor roles to view their own posts, media & comments Very Lightweight- Only 3KB Installation very easy, just install & enjoy. Created By: | ||||||||
Unauthorised Login Redirect | 0.3.6 | 86 | 4 | 2015 |
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This plugin allows you to effectively hide your wp-login.php and wp-admin by requiring that you access it via a custom URL of your specification, with every other request being redirected to a differe... nt URL of your specification. | ||||||||
WordiZ - Most Shared Articles for Authors | 2.0.1 | 100 | 2 | 1009 |
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Widget for bloggers using "authorship" attribution. Show your readers your best articles, wherever they are written.. This plugin is deprecated. Please download instead. | ||||||||
Molongui Authorship | 1.3.3 | 100 | 8 | 4157 |
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Whatever your reason for having a blog, whether it’s for business or a personal hobby, it’s important to do it right. In order to boost SEO rankings, gain traffic and leads, you need to ha... ve great content on your blog. When it comes to creating great content, it really does matter who is writing. Authorship provides significant benefits: Higher click through rates Higher visibility Higher page views Lower plagiarism Build trust Elevate the role of the writer Establish authority Whether you are a re-known author or not, guest posting is a good strategy for growing your blog readership and platform. “Guest posting” means writing and publishing an article on someone else’s website or blog. If you allow people guest-posting on your site, you need a way to give them credit for their content so it can be a win-win situation for both (you and your guest authors). Authorship is important to the reputation, professional advancement and financial support of bloggers. Molongui Authorship plugin allows you to give credit to any author who writes in your blog, whether it has a registered user on your Wordpress installation or not (guest author). Check the plugin features below. Features User profile enhancement - Now you can upload a profile image, define the user job position and company, set social media profile links and more. Guest authors - A custom post-type is defined so guest authors can be chosen as post authors without having to register a new user account on your WordPress site. Author box - Display a fancy author box on all posts, all pages or just on those that you configure. Author info - Data you can set for each author, whether it is a registered user or a guest author: Name, photo, link, job title, company, social media links and biographical info. Related posts - Show related posts from an author to increase page views and session duration. Display settings - Choose whether to show the author box above or below your content. Social Networks - Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, Xing, Renren, Vk, Flickr, Vine, Meetup, Sina-weibo, Deviantart, Stumbleupon, Myspace, Yelp, Mixi, SoundCloud,, Foursquare and Spotify. Each author can have a different set of social media profiles added. Google Authorship - Automatically get Google Authorship verification. Just add Google+ profile link. Facebook Authorship - Automatically add Facebook Authorship on Posts. Just add Facebook profile link. Actual author - Display the actual author name anyplace on the site: written by, author columns in wp-admin, ... Structured data - Help search engines to index your content better and present it more prominently in search results. Theme compatibility - Removes any other author box from the page, so there aren't duplicates. Responsive. Need more? If you want to customize social media icons style, author box layout and color scheme and much more, then "Molongui Authorship Premium" is what you are looking for. Premium features Guest Author Archive - All posts from a guest author listed in a single page, just like Wordpress does with registered users. Just click the guest author's name to get to it. Enhanced display settings - Select the post type where to display by default the box: only on posts, only on pages, on both, nowhere. Professional Social Networks - LinkedIn, Renren. Premium layouts - More layouts to choose from. Full style customization - Everything within the authorship box can be customized: colors, text sizes, text styles, effects, shapes, icons... Shortcodes - Add as many authorship boxes as it is needed, anywhere. User profile Registered user profile page is enhanced to allow you to: Upload a profile image so no Gravatar account is needed. An author image can be uploaded right from the profile page with the click of a button (WPMU). Set social media profile links. Set user job position and company. Set a custom link to the user own website/blog. Guest authors A custom post-type is defined so guest authors can be chosen as post authors without having a registered account on your WordPress site. Internationalization This plugin is available in the following languages: English Spanish Arabic (translation by Bahr AbdUlrazzak) | ||||||||
MobioPush Desktop Notifications | 1.6 | 60 | 2 | 1079 |
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Re-engage your website users with the help of push notifications and web notifications . ! Re-engage your website users with the help of push notifications and web notifications . | ||||||||
WP Author Info | 2.0.1 | 96 | 5 | 2742 |
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Show author detail or author bio on any post type at below or above the content (including page & post) Take look for all features. You can prefix or sufix author detail on any post type (including page & post). You can set theme, color & style for author info, also social icon style. You can select any social field into user profile. You can also add author detail at widget or content using shortcode. Read about Shortcode: [wp-author-info theme="default" color="black" dir="ltr" social_style="default" author_id="1"] has five arguments. theme (optional) : set given theme for content otherwise take theme from settings (Available value : default, border, box-border, smart, material, metro) color (optional) : set given color for theme otherwise take color from settings (Available value : blue, orange, green, red, white, black) dir (optional) : set text direction for content otherwise take dir from settings or default ltr (Available value: ltr, rtl) social_style (optional) : set social icon style otherwise take dir from settings (Available value: default, rounded) author_id (optional) : specified which author info is display wiht shortcode, if it blank or not pass then it display current user within wordpress loop. | ||||||||
Revenue Share for Authors (RSP for Wordpress) | 2.1.1 | 94 | 6 | 3326 |
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This plugin enables adsense revenue sharing for authors on your wordpress site. This plugin helps you to give a small reward to your guest blog writers in terms of revenue. Their own advertisements will be displayed for all their posts on your blog. Administrators can set the percentage of how much the admin ad is displayed. For this they just have to fill up a field in their profile section with their adsense publisher id. This plugin adds a field to all your blog post authors' profiles for inserting their Google adsense publisher id and creates a Settings page which will be accessible to admin of the website. The settings page include a field to fill up admin's adsense pub id as well as the position where the ad should be displayed along with the option to add a widget on the sidebar. Features: 1. Revenue for Both Admins and Authors 2. Select the Ad spot from Top/Bottom/Middle 3. No credit link on your blog 4. The simplest settings page you have ever seen for a plugin. 5. Supports 468x60px ads(easy customization). 6. Now supports widget ads 7. Can change the ad percentage like you guys requested. 8. Added 8 different short codes for 8 different ad sizes. 9. NEW Added option to userlevel permissions to adsense share. Lowest user level is Contributor. Available Shortcodes: * [rspad300x250] * [rspad300x250] * [rspad336x280] * [rspad728x90] * [rspad300x600] * [rspad320x100] * [rspad468x60] * [rspad300x1050] * [rspad970x90] Note: Please use it wisely and never add adsense ads on websites with illegal contents or website which are not in terms with Google Adsense TOS. Also be careful about the number of ads since adsense doesn't allow websites to have more than 3 ads on any webpage. Read Google Adsense TOS Here: | ||||||||
Change Product Author for WooCommerce | 1.0.0 | 100 | 5 | 2981 |
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This makes it easy to change the author assigned to a WooCommerce product post type. WooCommerce requires at least: 2.2 WooCommerce tested up to: 2.4.12 While working on a project there was a situation where I needed to change the author assigned to a WooCommerce product. The product author was receiving unwanted notifications when reviews for the product were being left. We did not want to turn the notifications off; we just wanted them to go to a different author or user. Changing the author is easily possible with posts and pages, but the option isn’t available by default for WooCommerce products. Adding the functionality is very simple – it involves adding author support to the product post type which can be accomplished by adding the following to your theme’s functions.php file: if ( post_type_exists( 'product' ) ) { add_post_type_support( 'product', 'author' ); } However, for users who don’t want to touch the functions.php file, or would prefer a solution that is not restricted to a theme, I created this simple plugin. Just activate the plugin with WooCommerce also installed and you will be able to change the author of a product as if it were a standard post or page. After activating the plugin you will be able to change the author assigned to a WooCommerce product by editing the product in the WP dashboard. See screenshot for details. If you do not see a place to change the author, check the screen options and make sure that ‘Author’ is checked. See screenshot for details. Please note that WooCommerce must be installed and activated for the plugin to work. | ||||||||
WP Author Slug | 1.3.0 | 98 | 16 | 9701 |
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Add a layer of security and prevent your login name from being shown in the author archive's URL. This plugin replaces the author slug with a sanitized version of the user's display name. It will prevent hackers from finding out your login name through the author archive's URL and works towards your friendly URLs with using your display name. | ||||||||
Plugin Name | Version | Rating | Reviews | Downloads | Flag | |||
WP Author Ranking | 1.0.4 | 100 | 2 | 1344 |
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WP Author Ranking the wordpress plugin provides ranking of the popular blog authors. Results are depends on page viewing numbers. Getting data, it has options (year, month, day, post type) to filterin... g. | ||||||||
Author Recommended Posts | 1.0.3 | 100 | 9 | 6226 |
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Pick specific posts to promote and recommend to your audience. Simple Author Recommended Posts Plugin Author Recommended Posts lets you easily search and choose specific posts, pages and custom post types you want to associate to a post or page. You can add, reorder, remove selected posts for display via the simple drag and drop interface. Features Simple clean styles for basic layout/structure Show/hide output title & featured images Display your recommended posts vertically or side-by-side Filter which content is searchable and which post types to automatically output on Requirements: WordPress 3.3+, PHP5 and higher This plugin is free to use and is not actively supported by the author, but will be monitored for serious bugs that may need correcting. | ||||||||
Author Widget | 2.0 | 100 | 2 | 1508 |
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Show your Blog author list in Cool Styles & more features Show your Blog author list in Cool Styles & more features Features Main Features Most Options Available Add Anywhere in Widget Area. Awesome Visual Outlook. Font Awesome Integration. Extra Feature: You can use Font Awesome icon before your widget title. To do so, you must need to activate Font Awesome plugin. Font Awesome : If you have any idea to add more features in the plugin, feel free to mail me at Obaid Hossain Why dont you rate the plugin if you like it !! 🙂 Our team Web Care Zone. | ||||||||
Multi-Author AdSense | 1.0 | 60 | 2 | 1517 |
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Multi-Author AdSense is a WordPress plugin which allows website owners who run multi-author blogs complete control over their authors AdSense output. Multi-Author AdSense is a WordPress plugin which allows website owners who run multi-author blogs complete control over their authors AdSense ad output. Multi-Author AdSense HIGHLIGHTS WORKS ON ALL DEVICES The driving force behind Multi-Author AdSense is that it works on any device. No matter how your website visitors choose to access your website, rest assured that Multi-Author AdSense will serve up the right sized AdSense ad. ADSENSE POLICY COMPLIANT Multi-Author AdSense enforces Google AdSense policies. We limit image/text ads to 3 per page, link units to 3 per page, and 300×600 ads to one per page. Never worry about being banned for misuse of AdSense! PERFECT FOR BEGINNERS AND ADVANCED USERS Multi-Author AdSense has two modes, BASIC and ADVANCED. Basic mode provides faster and easier setup, while Advanced mode offers better ad tracking, and more flexible styling. SETS UP IN UNDER 2 MINUTES With Multi-Author AdSense, you can easily set up AdSense that fits every screen size possible. Just drop in your publisher ID and check a few boxes. Multi-Author AdSense PRO HIGHLIGHTS ALL Multi-Author AdSense FEATURES Multi-Author AdSense Pro contains all the above mentioned highlights, plus the following. AUTO INSERT Automatically insert ads anywhere throughout their content! You, as the admin, can limit the number of auto-inserted ads. REVENUE SHARING Set a fallback user. If for any reason the users ads are blocked from being shown (such as display restrictions), you can choose to show ads from your own AdSense account. You also have the ability to it revenue on a percentage, so if you want, 50% of the time, it could be your ads showing. DISPLAY RESTRICTIONS Require articles to be X number of words long before enabling ads! Also, you may choose to require that an author has X number of articles before their ads appear. ALLOW NON-ADSENSE ADS You can choose to allow ONLY AdSense, ONLY Non-AdSense or a combination of both. OUTPUT FILTERS Stop output of ads based on any number of the following: Author, Category, Tag, Content Type, Logged in Status, Home Page, Archives, & Search Results. ALIGNMENT Specify default alignment of ads: Float Left, Float Right, Centered or None. 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE 60 day money back guarantee! If at anytime in the first 60 days after your purchase of Multi-Author AdSense Pro, you decide that you want a refund, just ask! No questions asked, 100% money back guarantee. We want you to be satisfied, with our product. If you want features added, please ask! WORKS ON ALL DEVICES The driving force behind Multi-Author AdSense Pro is that it works on any device. No matter how your website visitors choose to access your website, rest assured that Multi-Author AdSense Pro will serve up the right sized AdSense ad. Multi-Author AdSense Pro extends the capabilities of Multi-Author AdSense by allowing things like customizing the shortcode, auto insert Multi-Author AdSense into posts & pages, and a responsive widget. Click here to find out more about Multi-Author AdSense Pro now. Support: Multi-Author AdSense Official WordPress Plugin Support Forum | ||||||||
oDvut Author Bio | 0.01 | 100 | 2 | 1561 |
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oDvut Author Bio is a simple plugin which will enable you to place blog author's bio anywhere in the blog. oDvut Author Bio is a simple plugin through which you can place blog author's bio anywhere in your theme where you can place widget. The plugin works with widget position. | ||||||||
Author Box Creator | 1.0 | 70 | 2 | 1784 |
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An easy way to place an author box on your Wordpress site. An easy way to place an author box on your Wordpress site. Quick Start Guide author box creator quick start guide at What you get when you use the Author Box Creator author box will display on all post or page. edit author box background color edit author box title author box will display author image author box will display author bio author box will display author display name Author box will display on all post or page Author Box Creator automatically places your author box at the bottom of each post or page. The author box will display the author image, author bio, and author display name You can also edit the author box title. There is a default title in the author box if you do not want to add your own. You can also edit the author box background color. Why you need an author box There are subtle differences that make one blog standout from the other. Having an author box at the end of each post allows you to showcase which author wrote the article. The author is given credit in the author box and the audience gets a sense of who it is that is speaking to them. Quick Start Guide [author box creator quick start guide at] ( | ||||||||
Display Embedded Videos by D.Biota | 2.0 | 100 | 2 | 1880 |
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You can display a gallery of the embedded Youtube and Vimeo videos within your site. They can be shown chronologically or as a random selection. You can display a gallery with one, some or all the Youtube and Vimeo videos embedded within your site. They can be shown chronologically (most recent videos posted) or in a daily random basis, which is a powerful tool to get your visitors engaged (each day they visit the video list, it will show a different selection of random videos from your site). It is simple and clean, just works with shortcodes that can be posted wherever and easily created in the plugin Settings Page with a Shortcode Wizard. Features display vids chronologically (most recent videos posted) display vids in a daily random basis shows titles and links to the posts where each video was originally posted vids displayed get updated accordingly when new vids are posted in your site you can display vids collection in posts, pages or widgets choose the number of vids to display choose the number of vids per line show a “Load more…” button Shortcode example: [display_embedded_videos mode="daily_random" vids_to_display="4" vids_per_line="1" more="yes"] (you can know all possible values with the Shortcodes Wizard in the Settings page of the plugin) Plugin page: PRO extra features display vids per specific category display vids per specific tag display vids per specific forum (bbpress) | ||||||||
Genesis Staff Bio Grid | 1.0.4 | 80 | 3 | 2874 |
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This plugin creates a simple, intuitive way to list your staff with featured images and to display their bio in a lightbox. For Genesis sites only. This plugin should only be used on Genesis sites (on non-Genesis sites, it won’t break anything, but it also won’t do anything at all other than setting up the post type). Credit: Sridhar Katakam for the staff custom post type tutorial on which this plugin is based. If you take a look at the tutorial above, you’ll see the basics of what this plugin does. In addition to setting up the staff-member post type and staff-position taxonomy, this plugin automatically sets up a thickbox lightbox which lets you show content about each staff member in a popup when the featured image is clicked. | ||||||||
SF Author Url Control | 1.2 | 100 | 11 | 10787 |
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Allows administrators or capable users to change the users profile url. With this plugin, administrators can change the default author base in the registered users profile url, and the author slug of each user. Changing an author slug is a good thing for security (if your login is "This Is Me", your slug will be "this-is-me", a bit easy to guess). The plugin adds 2 fields for this purpose, one in permalinks settings, the other in a user profile. Default: Customized: How to edit the slugs Go to Settings > Permalinks to edit the author base: "author" => "jedi" Go to Users > "Any user profile" to edit the user slug: "agent-smith" => "obiwan" Translations English French German by Carny88 Spanish by Oliver Multisite The plugin is ready for Multisite. | ||||||||
Birds Author Box | 1.0.8 | 100 | 4 | 4208 |
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Birds Author Box adds a responsive author box below the content of your posts or/and your pages. The box contains author's picture (upload the picture you want), name, description, website link, socia... l networks, latest posts (or not, your choice) and a link to the author's archive. This plugin is Localization/Internationalization ready and follows WordPress i18n standards. Settings are under the Users menu. This plugin requires PHP 5.4 or higher to function correctly. Contact your webhosting provider or server administrator if you are unsure which version is installed on your web server. Bundled translations: French Spanish (Thanks to Andrew Kurtis) Features: Responsive design. Set custom profile picture instead of the default gravatar image. Add Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, etc to User Profile page (see list below). Display (or not) the social tab Dislay (or not) the latest posts tab Social Medias Dribbble Facebook Flickr GitHub Google+ Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest Twitter YouTube Contribute Want to propose a translation? Contact me (please DO NOT use this form for support requests) If you'd like to contribute to this plugin, you can find it hosted on GitHub. Donate link: Other Credits: This plugin uses: Circle Icons Pack by Martz90 Line Social Media Icons by Dawid Dapszus Volumetric Social Media Icons by Insofta Flat Social Media Icons by Enfuzed Subtle social media icons by Best PSD Freebies | ||||||||
Plugin Name | Version | Rating | Reviews | Downloads | Flag | |||
Author and Post Statistic Widgets | 2.1.0 | 86 | 11 | 13122 |
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Statistics Widgets is an easy solution to display authors' activity and popular posts with statistic information in sidebar widgets. APSW is an easy solution to display authors' activity and popular posts statistic information in sidebar widgets. This plugin comes with many smart widgets, which show adaptive statistic information depended on current page. Widgets - Author & Popular Post Statistics * My statistics, * My most viewed posts, * My most commented posts, * Post author statistics, * Post author most viewed posts, * Post author most commented posts, Widgets - Popular Users * Popular users (by posts count), * Popular users (by posts views count), * Popular users (by posts comments count), Widgets - Popular Posts * Most viewed posts, * Most commented posts, Features Quick translation for all front-end phrases Page views statistic under post content Dashboard: General Settings Dashboard: Widget Settings Dashboard: Widget Styles Settings Dashboard: Reset Statistics | Pro | Dashboard: Own Published Posts Graphical Statistic | Pro | Dashboard: Own Posts' Views Graphical Statistic | Pro | Dashboard: Own Posts Popularity Graphical Statistic | Pro | Dashboard: Own Posts' Readers Graphical Statistic by Countries | Pro | Dashboard: If you're the admin, there is also a statistic for all authors activity and posts popularity | ||||||||
Metro Author Widget | 1.1 | 100 | 2 | 2395 |
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Metro Author Widget for sidebar and footer. Inspired by Windows Phone live tile. This widget allows you to display your site authors with social media links and avatar in the sidebar and footer. Widget can be used multiple of times even in one sidebar area. Demo All widgets have customisation options. Features Replace Gravatar image Display author first name. Add Author social media links. Hide/Show social media icons option. | ||||||||
Blog Authors | 1.5 | 70 | 2 | 2433 |
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Blog Authors is a WordPress plugin that allows you to display your site’s team members, and authors to embed their author card. Blog Authors is an easy-to-manage WordPress plugin that allows you to display your site’s team members. Blog has options to display a page of all team members using a short code. Blog authors also has the option to show a Blog Author Card under their post. Site owners can enable a feature that allows authors to embed their blog authors card to show their profile. If enabled, there is a list of the ten latest posts by that author. The Blog Authors options panel has options to add and order users. Blog Authors automatically takes each team member’s information based on their profile. Several other fields in the user’s profile are added such as social networking paths and are only visible to users added to blog authors. Blog Authors uses the added social network paths and displays the social networking icons. The overall design is heavily customizable. It comes with a submenu dedicated to customizing the presentation of the the Blog Author Card. The beauty of Blog Authors is that the information is provided by the added user via their profile. | ||||||||
BP Blog Author Link | 2.8.1 | 100 | 6 | 7528 |
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This plugin changes the blog author links on a buddypress site to link to the author's buddypress member profile. The WP/WPMU author link from the the_author_posts_link() template tag on the blog will link to the author’s buddypress member profile instead of the author’s posts page. This plugin will only affect blogs where buddypress is activated sitewide. It will function the same in either the mu-plugins folder or in the plugins folder and activated sitewide. | ||||||||
EC | 0.3.1 | 100 | 2 | 2661 |
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EC is easy to use Wordpress Plugin and can be installed in just a few minutes. is most widely used payment gateway to process payments online and accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover and other variants of cards. Recurring Payments option is added in version 0.3 Non-profits and eCommerce sites will using to Quickly and Easily add one time and donations/Payments to their websites. It works with your existing Wordpress theme and content. No changes required. Just install and start getting payments/donations through Your Thoughts => Sample Usage: [authorize_net amount=56] | ||||||||
Facebook Author Meta | 1.2.2 | 100 | 3 | 4044 |
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Version : 1.2.2 A simple and clean plugin that allow users to add facebook author meta (i.e. Author By info in facebook news feeds.) in their website This is a simple plugin that allows you to set author name that appears in facebook news feeds, when someone shares it on facebook. See screenshots and live demo. LATEST UPDATE Now you can set author’s facebook profile link as author name for posts in news feeds. SEE LIVE DEMO and SCREENSHOTS How it Works To enable author’s facebook profile link setting, Goto Profile >> Facebook Profile Link (Facebook Author Meta) and enter the full url of your facebook profile. This option sets the profile link as author’s name for single post/pages. For non-single pages like categories, date archives, tags, hompage etc Goto Settings >> Facebook Author Meta and fill the last field with the fb profile link. If you have multiple auhtor’s then each author must fill the field Profile >> Facebook Profile Link (Facebook Author Meta) with facebook profile link. .e.g. If you have any questions feel free to ask me, Thanks. How To Use: Please Read Carefully By default this plugin automatically sets the author name for all post/pages etc. i.e. for all single post/pages. This plugin gets the author name of each post/page etc. and set it as a autor name for facebook meta. Note: Default value is your public name i.e name you set in your profile => [Display name publicly as]. You can set your own custom author name for all post/pages here Settings >> Facebook Author Meta. By default this plugin does not automatically sets author name for archives, category, tags, hompage, date archives etc. You can set your custom author name for all these pages in settings page of this plugin. Note: If you want to set same author name for whole website/blog goto Settings >> Facebook Author Meta and fill both the fields with same author name. It is useful for personal blogs or if you want to set your brand name as author name Feel Free to Ask Quetions If you have any questions or need help, don’t hesitate __ Ask your questions on support page Support Me If you find this plugin useful, you can appreciate my work by making a donation and/or giving a 5-star rating. Your generous support encourages me to continue developing free plugins and other wordpress resources for free. Thanks! | ||||||||
Disable Author Pages | 0.9 | 100 | 12 | 16688 |
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Disable the author pages Disable the author pages ( /author=? ) in wordpress and redirect the user to another page. Entrys in the changelog with numbers means the ticket id on | ||||||||
List all posts by Authors, nested Categories and Titles | 2.6.5 | 100 | 4 | 5671 |
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This plugin lists all posts by Author, nested Categories and Title, allowing to place the lists in any page. Particularly suitable to all multi-nested categories and multi-authors website, with lots of posts and complex category layout (i.e.: academic papers, newpapers articles, etc), as weel as for single-user websites (read below). This plugin allows the user to place a shortcode into any page and get rid of a long and nested menu/submenu to show all site's posts (including custom post types assigned to a standard category). A selector in the page will allow the reader to select grouping by Category/Author/Title. Shortcode's options include: excluding any category from the list excluding/including admin users from the list single-user website usage select what list(s) to display limit number of posts in list output Output grouped by Category will look like: CAT1 post1 AUTHOR SUBCAT1 post2 AUTHOR post3 AUTHOR SUBCAT2 post4 AUTHOR ... ... Shortcode generator The plugin installs a new menu ACT List Shortcodes in Admin->Tools. The tool is a helper to automatically generate the required shortcode. It will parse the options and display the string to be copied and pasted into any page. Please refer to the plugin admin page for a full list of options. Default manual usage: [ACT-list] all categories and subcategories post, excluding administrator's posts, grouped by (upon selection) Category/Author/Title Exclude categories: [ACT-list exclude="cat1-slug, cat2-slug, ..."] listed categories will be excluded. Categories must be listed with their slugnames. Include admin's posts: [ACT-list admin=1] this option will also include all admin's posts in the list. Single-user website: [ACT-list singleuser=1] this option is suited for websites with a single author (or when you don't want to show the authors). It removes grouping by Authors and any author name. This option includes the admin=1 option, so that it will list any post in the website. You can still apply "excluding categories" option. Select what list(s) to display The parameter "show" will allow the admin to select what lists will be shown and if the dropdown selector is needed or not. i.e.: [ACT-list show="Category, Author"] or [ACT-list show="Title, Category"] Allowed terms for the "show" parameter are: Author, Title, Category. Split the lists into separate pages By selecting only one variable in the "show" parameter, you will be able to show only one list without the dropdown selector. This will enable you to put the 3 lists into separate pages, or separate tabs of the same page. Page#1 (or tab#1) [ACT-list show="Category"] Page#2 (or tab#2) [ACT-list show="Author"] Page#3 (or tab#3) [ACT-list show="Title"] Limit the number of posts in the lists If you have a large numbers of posts (>2,000), it could be convenient to limit the number of posts in the lists, including only a certain amount of the most recent posts. This can be achieved separately for the 3 lists using the following parameters: postspercategory, postsperauthor, totalpoststitle. i.e.: [ACT-list show="Category" postspercategory="20"] will show only the 20 most recent posts for each category. Show posts list in reverse date order By default, the posts will be listed from newest to oldest. To change this behaviour, use the reverse-date=1 parameter. If you like the plugin, feel free to rate it (on the right side of this page) or donate via PayPal. Thanks a lot! 🙂 | ||||||||
Author Post Ratings | 1.1.1 | 100 | 8 | 11926 |
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Allows a post author to assign a simple 1-5 star rating to a post, page, or custom post type, which will then be displayed on the post. There are plenty of plugins available which allow site visitors to rate posts, but I didn't find any that gave the post author that functionality, so I wrote this plugin. Author Post Ratings adds a meta box to the post edit screen, allowing you to chose a 1-5 star rating for the post, or to leave it unrated. The plugin will automatically add the post rating (using stars, and an optional label) to the top or bottom of the post. If you wish, you can disable that functionality altogether and use a shortcode to insert the post rating anywhere in the post you choose. The plugin supports ratings for posts, pages, and custom post types, all of which can be individually enabled or disabled in the plugin settings. It is also fully internationalized, with Spanish language translation files included. | ||||||||
Authorize.Net/eProcessing Network Payment Gateway for WooCommerce | 1.1 | 100 | 2 | 3419 |
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This plugin is an addon for WooCommerce to implement a payment gateway method for accepting Credit Cards Payments By merchants via Authorize.Net Gateway This plugin uses AIM and is light weight version of this plugin Lightweight in sense it does not use any Authorize.Net Libraries bundled with it it simply Uses HTTP POST API to pass data to payment gateway directly. This plugin can also be used as eProcessing Network just by changing gateway url to ‘’ Sample code for eProcessing Network can be found here Features Very Simple Clean Code plugin to add a Authorize.Net payment method to woocommerce No technical skills needed. Prerequisite visualized on screenshots. Adds Transaction ID, Authorization Code, Response Reason to Order Note. Can be customized easily. Can work with sandbox/live Authorize.Net accounts for testing purpose. This plugin currently Supports accepting in USD. This plugin does not store Credit Card Details. MD5 Hash not neccesary as this plugin uses AIM Switch beetween Authorize or Authorize and Capture. Feature to accept the type of card you like with dynamic card logo at checkout. Default credit card feature introduced by woocommerce. Settings link right after activating plugin. This plugin can be used as eProcessing Network plugin as well in emulation mode | ||||||||
Plugin Name | Version | Rating | Reviews | Downloads | Flag | |||
Authorizer | 2.6.5 | 100 | 4 | 6851 |
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Authorizer limits login attempts, restricts access to specific users, and authenticates against external sources (OAuth2, Google, LDAP, or CAS). Authorizer restricts access to a WordPress site to specific users, typically students enrolled in a university course. It maintains a list of approved users that you can edit to determine who has access. It also replaces the default WordPress login/authorization system with one relying on an external server, such as Google, CAS, or LDAP. Finally, Authorizer lets you limit invalid login attempts to prevent bots from compromising your users' accounts. Authorizer requires the following: CAS server (2.x, 3.x, 4.x, or 5.x) or LDAP server (plugin needs the URL) PHP extentions: php5-mcrypt, php5-ldap, php5-curl Authorizer provides the following options: Authentication: WordPress accounts; Google accounts; CAS accounts; LDAP accounts Login Access: All authenticated users (all local and all external can log in); Only specific users (all local and approved external users can log in) View Access: Everyone (open access); Only logged in users Limit Login Attempts: Progressively increase the amount of time required between invalid login attempts. | ||||||||
Author or User Image | 2.0.1 | 68 | 5 | 9086 |
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WordPress Author / User Image lets you set author image. By this plugin you will be able to set author image. Ability to remove user image or block particular user. (New added) This photo will be appears below the post in about author section and also in there comment. When you have many user your user's will be able to set there photo. It appears in comment. You have ability to resize the uploaded image. So no extra disk space or bandwidth will be loss. The most Amazing part of this plugin is you can set a default image for your user. If any of your user not set there image then show the default image. If you have any question about this plugin you may visit WordPress Author or User Image. FEATURE of Author or User Image Set a default image for any user. (Who not set there Image) Individually set user's image by user. (This image will be shown instead of the default image) You can specify image size. (All image will be resize with this size before save) You will also able to remove your image or the default image. It shown just below your profile page in user section. Control over the user’s image. Ability to remove user’s image. Ability to block any user from set his image. Ability to list all user who have set there image. Ability to list all users who is in your blacklist. If you have any question about this plugin you may visit WordPress Author or User Image. | ||||||||
Author Recent Posts | 1.3 | 100 | 2 | 3945 |
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Author Recent Posts shows recent posts by an author on the posts written by the author as a responsive widget. This plugin is useful for multi-author This Plugin contains a responsive Widget for showing off recent posts by an author on all the single post pages created by that author. This Plugin is useful when you have multiple authors on your WordPress blog and you wish to display list of posts only created by particular author of the post. With this Plugin you can choose number of posts to display, show or hide featured image, alternate image url, dimensions of featured image, option to choose display post date or not. You can also show author name in title using '[author]' shortcode in Widget options. We will adding more options in the next version. For more detail visit author recent posts plugin page | ||||||||
Author Category | 0.8 | 94 | 9 | 18173 |
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simple lightweight plugin limit authors to post just in one category. This Plugin allows you to select specific category per user and all of that users posts will be posted in that category only. Main Features: Only admin can set categories for users. Only users with a specified category will be limited to that category, other will still have full control. Removes category metabox for selected users. Removed categories from quick edit for selected users. Option to clear selection.(new) multiple categories per user.(new) French traslation (since 0.8) thanks to jyd44 Any feedback or suggestions are welcome. Also check out my other plugins | ||||||||
Genesis Co-Authors Plus | 1.3 | 100 | 2 | 4393 |
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Enables full support for the Co-Authors Plus plugin in Genesis. Enables full support for the Co-Authors Plus plugin in Genesis. You need to have the Co-Authors Plus plugin installed for this plugin to work properly. The Co-Authors plugin allows you to add more than one author to a particular post. The Genesis framework has an in-built function to display an author box, and the Genesis Co-Authors plugin enables the Genesis author box to detect co-authors and display them in additional author boxes. With this setup, you can create guest authors without creating a user profile for them, just create a ‘Guest Author’ via the Co-Authors Plus plugin, and include that guest author in your post. Genesis Co-Authors Plus will then take care of displaying the guest author/s on the front end. To enable the Genesis author box please follow the instructions on this website. Credit Created by Jean Galea. Also take a look at my WordPress RSS Import plugin | ||||||||
WP Author Box Lite | 1.2 | 92 | 10 | 22266 |
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Awesome Author box that you'll fall inlove with! Give identity to your blog posts, pages and custom post types! Author Box Lite creates responsive profile and latest posts box to increase reader engagement. This also automatically add google+ profile authorship. Features: Responsive - Desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phone, WP – Author Box Lite will adjust and look good on it Fully Customizable - Make your author box unique and stylish with color options Google Authorship - Automatically get Google Authorship verification. Just add Google+ profile link. Facebook Authorship ( version 1.0.2 ) - Automatically add Facebook Authorship on Posts. Just add Facebook profile link. Layouts - Automatically added before or after (or both!) your posts, pages and custom post types Fully Customizable Design your wordpress author box to match your theme by simple selecting colors via color picker. All elements are adjustable such as : Active Tab Active Tab Border Active Tab Background Inactive Tab Inactive Tab Border Inactive Tab Background Tab Content Tab Content Border Tab Content Background Footer Content Border Footer Content Background Looking for more? If you want to create custom unlimited tabs, add as widget and shortcode, control display via user roles and much more, then WP – Author Box is what you are looking for. Upgrade now and fall in love a lot more 🙂 | ||||||||
Featured Authors Widget | 2.0.2 | 94 | 3 | 6987 |
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Choose specific authors to highlight in a widget with optional avatars and links to their posts. This plugin provides a widget to showcase your site's authors. When configuring the widget you select the authors and choose whether to display them with their avatars and choose how many posts to display for authors. | ||||||||
Top Authors | 1.0.11 | 94 | 6 | 15030 |
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A highly customizable widget that allows you to display the top authors of your website easily. Top authors allows yoy to list your top authors with plenty of options. You can set the following in each widget: Widget title Roles to exclude Post types to include Authors to show 4 Preset display templates Custom display template that allows you to create a completely custom structure and modify the output before and after the list. Archive (category/tag/taxonomy) specific author lists For a more detailed description of how you can set up custom author lists take a look at the other notes section. The plugin also has some developer friendly features, take a look at the other notes section for more. Thanks Seb Van Dijk for donating this plugin to me for free, I owe you one 🙂 Font Awesome for the plugin icon | ||||||||
Display Authors Widget | 1.1.1 | 88 | 5 | 12653 |
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Display authors by role. This plugin register a widget to display authors by role in a sidebar. You can choose whether to display author post count, biography or gravatar. Usage Go to Appearance >> Widgets. There you can find widget called Display Authors Widget. There are some settings in a widget. Title: Set whatever title you want, or leave it blank to disable the title. Role: Choose which role authors you want to display. Display Post Count?: This displays the number of posts the author have published. This will only be shown if there are at least one post by author. The format is Author name ($number). Display Author Bio?: If checked, this will display the author's bio as set in their WordPress profile page. Display Author Gravatar?: If checked, this will display the author's gravatar. Gravatar Size: This is the size of the gravatar image in pixels. Do not write px or pixels in this field. If you want gravatar size to be 50px, then write "50" in this field. Gravatar Alignment: Choose whether you want to display gravatar on the left, right or no alignment at all. Limit: This will allow you to set the number of authors that are displayed in the widget. | ||||||||
Author | 1.2.4 | 100 | 3 | 7635 |
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Display Blog Authors Information In Style you can publish blog users profile into any Page or Post in your WordPress sites. You can use multiple short Display WordPress author complete information in stylish mode. You should check SCREENSHOTS first: Using [ABTM id=123] shortcode, you can publish blog users profile into any Page or Post in your WordPress sites. You can use multiple shortcode on multiple pages and posts to display author profiles in various combinations of customization. You can use multiple widgets to display author profiles into any sidebar area or footer widget area. Features Complete Author Profile Author Bio Author Name Author Description Author Website 2 Different Author Templates Free Plugin Demo: About Author About WordPress Authors Pro Features Responsive Plugin Design 10 Author Design Templates 12 Social Media Profiles 500+ General & Google Fonts Multiple Author Image Layout Display Your All Authors Bio Display Your All Authors Name Display Your All Authors Description Display Your All Authors Website Display All Blog Authors Profile After Page Content Display All Blog Authors Profile After Post Content Display Your All Authors Using Multiple Shortcodes Display Your All Authors Using Multiple Widgets Live Preview in Admin Dashboard Check Demos About Author Pro - Live Demo About Author Pro - Admin Demo Upgrade To About Author Pro Contribute Translate This Plguin Please contribute to translate our plugin. Contact at lizarweb (at) gmail (dot) com. | ||||||||
Plugin Name | Version | Rating | Reviews | Downloads | Flag | |||
WP Author Bio | 1.5.5 | 100 | 20 | 51689 |
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A WordPress author bio plugin that adds an extremeley flexible, custom about the author box below your posts for single and multiple authors. WP Author Bio is a WordPress author bio plugin that supports single and multiple authors with Co-Authors Plus. It offers tons of options to customize the box after WordPress posts about the author(s). The author bio box is responsive and includes five sexy social icon sets to choose from, with support for all the following social networks: Behance, Blogger, Delicious, DeviantArt, Dribbble, Facebook, Flickr, GitHub, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, MySpace, Pinterest, RSS, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, WordPress, Yahoo! & YouTube. Credits Plugin built and maintained by Andy Forsberg. The included Geekly circular social icons are complements of @Abdo_Ba. This is a derivative work of the Author Bio Box WordPress Plugin, which was authored by Claudio Sanches. PenguinWP Blog Best WordPress Hosting WP Author Bio Live Demo View Live Demo of WP Author Bio WP Author Bio Box Shortcode [sexy_author_bio] PHP Functions & Variables The following should always work: <?php if ( function_exists( 'get_Sexy_Author_Bio' ) ) { echo get_Sexy_Author_Bio(); } ?> The following works only when co-authors plus is not in use: <?php //Author Name: echo get_the_author(); //Job Title: echo get_the_author_meta('job-title'); //Company Name: echo get_the_author_meta('company'); //Company Website URL: echo get_the_author_meta('company-website-url'); //Social Network URLs: echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabbehance' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabblogger' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabdelicious' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabdeviantart' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabdribbble' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabemail' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabfacebook' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabflickr' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabgithub' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabgoogle' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabinstagram' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sablinkedin' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabmyspace' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabpinterest' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabrss' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabstumbleupon' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabtumblr' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabtwitter' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabvimeo' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabwordpress' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabyahoo' ); echo get_the_author_meta( 'sabyoutube' ); ?> | ||||||||
Author hReview | | 86 | 22 | 58184 |
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Add Google Rich Snippets for reviews based on for a better WordPress SEO, customize search results with rating stars for more traffic and c Add hReview and AggregateRating support based on, which help you increase search traffic by making SERP results more eye-catching. This plugin supports only the editorial ratings submission (editor/author rating), this means customers and site visitors are not involved in the rating or review process, this means rating reflects only the author's opinion. This plugin is written by Hesham Zebida. Premium Support There is also a premium version of the plugin that gives you more features, templates and control over your reviews. More Advanced Plugins Looking for more functionality? We recommend the all new WPRichSnippets plugin, more types plus awesome add-on plugins that extends the WPRichSnippets plugin functionality. View the plugin documentation pages and Showcase Gallery. View WPRichSnippets Live Demo. Why You Should Implement Rich Snippets According to Google, rich snippets "extract and show more useful information from web pages than the preview text that you are used to seeing." Significantly, Google is using structured data open standards such as microformats and RDFa to power the rich snippets feature. Google is is inviting publishers to mark up their HTML. Webmasters can find more detailed information about Google rich snippets here. Google's Rich Snippets Testing Tool After installing the plugin, and once you publish your first review on your blog, use Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool to check your markup and make sure that Google can extract the structured data from your review. The plugin should validate in the Testing Tool. Spam Reporting For Google Rich Snippets Abusing search engines in not a good practice, especially if this can hurt others, some webmasters fake or fabricate reviews in a try to get more traffic to their sites. You can easily report them to Google. If you see any spam reviews fill this form to report it to Google. | ||||||||
Change Author | 1.1 | 100 | 3 | 8801 |
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This plugin lets you assign non-authors as post author. Do you have a blog/website with a lot of contributing authors but you do not want to give them the rights to publish the articles themselves for whatever reason? In that case it would be nice when you are able to give them credit for what they wrote anyway. Since WordPress cannot override the author with a non-author by default, this plugin overrides the Author meta-box with a meta box that can select any user. So whenever you want to place an article that was written by someone else, you just create a user with subscriber role (if he/she hasn't already) and assign the article to that user! | ||||||||
Authors Page | 1.6 | 100 | 3 | 9052 |
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Displays all users of a certain role on one page in a table format. It also shows their avatars and usernames with linking to their detailed info. This plugin displays a table of users with specific roles on a separate page by simply pasting the shortcode [authors_page]. The table consists of avatars and usernames. By using the "role" attribute you can choose to display only users of a certain role. Example: [authors_page role="editor"] The users are ordered by post number, from highest to lowest. You can also display the number of posts made by a user by adding the "counter" attribute, like this: [authors_page role="editor" counter="post"] In the "counter" attribute you can use the %post% placeholder to customize the look of the counter. For example counter="# of posts is %post%" will display this: "# of posts is 123" where 123 is the number of posts made by a user. The old syntax - counter="post" - is still supported and is the same as this: counter="(%post%)" Use the orderby="name" attribute to show the users sorted by their display name (the "Display name publicly as" field from the profile page). In order to view more details about a user in the table, you just have to click on the corresponding username and all available information will be displayed. This feature is enabled by the WP Biographia plugin IF it is already installed. Otherwise the default WordPress functionality will be used. When activated, the plugin creates an "Authors Page" containing all shortcode options available, so you can preview how it works right away. The "Authors Page" plugin is useful for displaying an interactive list of users/ authors on one page. | ||||||||
Simple Author Box | 1.6 | 82 | 23 | 69959 |
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Add a responsive author box or guest author box with social icons to any post. Great author box for any site! Simple Author Box adds a responsive author box at the end of your posts, showing the author name, author gravatar and author description. It also adds over 30 social profile fields on WordPress user profile screen, allowing to display the author social icons. Main Features Shows author gravatar, name, website, description and social icons Fully customizable to match your theme design (style, color, size and text options) Nice looking on desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phones Automatically insert the author box at the end of your post Option to manually insert the author box on your template file (single.php or author.php) Simple Author Box has RTL support Check out our Premium Themes that use Simple Author Box plugin. | ||||||||
Easy Author Image | 1.5 | 74 | 14 | 43428 |
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Adds an author image uploader to your profile page. Upload an author image right from your profile page with the click of a button. Easy Author Image gives you the option do you exactly that -- easily add an author image to your profile page. Once you install this plugin, you'll have a new option in the Your Profile tab (under Users) called Profile Picture, complete with a media uploader box that allows you to upload your very own author picture. Whether you call it an avatar, an author image, or an author picture, Easy Author Image is a "Works Out Of The Box (WOOT-B)" solution to a common problem. How does it work? Once you update your profile, your new profile picture will replace every instance of where a Gravatar would normally show up. For every user on your blog (including you), the plugin will first check for an Easy Author Image profile picture and display that. If you or one of your users have not set your profile picture (common on blogs with many users, or with users who prefer to use Gravatar), the plugin defaults to the user's Gravatar. Plugin Support I'm always available to answer questions. You can use the support forum on this plugin (preferred), send me an email, or comment on the announcement and instructions post on my blog. If you use this plugin and enjoy it, please consider rating it. It only takes a second. Thank you everyone who has downloaded this so far. | ||||||||
Author Bio Shortcode | 2.5.3 | 100 | 2 | 6475 |
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Provides the [author_bio] shortcode for embedding the bio of an author anywhere in the post/page content. This plugin allows you to enter [author_bio] anywhere within the content of a post or page to display the biography of the author of that post or page. The output now contains HTML, which can be customised very easily with extra parameters - see Installation for a how-to - to sit around the bio, as defined in /wp-admin/profile.php. By default the shortcode produces the author of that post or page. However, extra parameters enable you to specify a different user whose bio you want to print out - see usage instructions. Feature requests welcomed with open arms! | ||||||||
BitMate Author Donations | 2.0.2 | 100 | 2 | 6579 |
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BitMate Author Donations is a WordPress plugin for authors on WordPress powered sites to accept cryptocurrency donations. BitMate Author Donations is a WordPress plugin for authors on WordPress powered sites to accept cryptocurrency donations. It can automatically add a cryptocurrency donation box below all posts, or can be manually controlled via the built in shortcode [bitmate-author-donate] and/or widgets for sidebars and visual page builders. Here are a few of the special features you might not notice at first: Can be used in “Maximalist” Bitcoin only mode with classic styles or will adapt to a modern multi-currency display when you add other currencies. Sets Bitcoin label & message when using compatible installed wallets. Makes use of compatible URI formats where possible, for example BIP 21 for Bitcoin. Uses local and self-hosted fonts to avoid calling other servers. Works without Javascript enabled – although offers optimisations when it is! Makes use of open-source self-hosted QR code generator for increase privacy. Coming Soon: International translation hooks Like this plugin? You can make a donation through the following methods: Bitcoin: 1QHK34VSB4MqRUEXyXnUMDg56VEcvY7ND8 Bitcoin Cash: 16WdQvED6hGQZukDjx4i6rZ6foVy1Zhxav Ethereum: 0x0577eb2088d03eecf093085544909b110cd94728 Litecoin: LWcXPjsmyEHDS9yXShjrpgYe6Sfha94iLy Monero: 446bYKR3hLnVtBt5NqKEYKAAh6DjSw2s55SxCbyJLfPU5fwpXsnbatXGzmXdZNJHZ4Wa5bn3uhaG2cghkBGX2vWcCL2gNmi3uhaG2cghkBGX2vWcCL2gNmi ZCash: t1PsNg2sHTPjFZn5HfMBViFcDoYaxX4vgNZ Thanks for your support! Publisher BitMate – Bitcoin Plugins for WordPress Please visit our site and subscribe for updates to stay in the loop about our Bitcoin plugins for WordPress. | ||||||||
cbnet Multi Author Comment Notification | 3.2 | 80 | 6 | 19959 |
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Send comment notification and comment moderation emails to multiple users. Select users individually or by user role, or send emails to arbitrary emai Easily enable email notification of new comments to users other than the post author. Via Dashboard -> Settings -> Discussion, enable email notification to users by site admin, user role (Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, Subscriber ), or define arbitary email addresses to notify. Also, optionally disable email notification for comments left by registered users. Email notification for individual users can be enabled via each user's profile. | ||||||||
Guerrilla's Author Box | 1.8 | 100 | 2 | 6726 |
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This is a plugin that adds an author box to the end of your posts, showing off the authors name, description, website link and gravatar powered avatar This is a plugin that adds an author box to the end of your posts, showing off the authors name, description, website link and gravatar powered avatar. As of version 1.3 the following input boxes were removed: aim yim jabber The following input boxes were added: twitter facebook google+ linkedin dribbble github | ||||||||
Plugin Name | Version | Rating | Reviews | Downloads | Flag | |||
Genesis Author Pro | 1.0.2 | 98 | 7 | 24333 |
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The Osom Author Pro plugin creates a library which allows you to add books to any WordPress theme. The Genesis Author Pro plugin creates a library which allows you to add books to your site. The books can have custom information added including: Featured Text Price ISBN Publisher Editor Edition Publish Date Available Editions Three custom buttons In addition to the custom book data, there are three taxonomies created: “Author,” “Series,” and “Tags.” These allow you and your site visitors to sort and organize the books in your library. The Genesis Author Pro Featured Book widget will allow you to select a book from the library and feature it in any widgeted area of your website. Optional output from the widget includes: Widget Title Book Title By Line Book Image Featured Text Content options including: Full content, limited content, and the excerpt for a custom synopsis. Price Custom link to the single book page The Author is handled via the custom taxonomy instead of following the post author. This allows you to have multiple book authors and put books in the library without creating new members on your site. Multiple authors should be output in the byline without the Oxford comma like: John Doe Jane Doe and John Doe Jane Doe, John Doe and John Smith The publish date is a text-aware date field that attempts to understand standard date formats such as: January 1, 1999 1 Jan 1999 1 1 1999 1999 1 1 There are instances where the returned date may not correctly match. 4 10 1999 might be interpreted as April 10, 1999 instead of the intended 4 October 1999. Typing out the month or month abbreviation instead of numeric representation of the month should resolve any discrepancies. The date will be stored in a computer readable format and then output following the date format set in the WordPress options. Templates are built into the plugin with default CSS to create the basic layout for all child themes. Templates follow standard WP template hierarchy so if the template is in the child theme, that will override the template in the plugin. Templates include: single-books.php archive-books.php taxonomy-book-authors.php taxonomy-book-series.php taxonomy-book-tags.php The Genesis Author Pro plugin was built specifically for the Author Pro theme by StudioPress but should work on all HTML5 Genesis child themes. You can view a demo of the plugin in the Author Pro theme here. | ||||||||
Co-Authors Plus | 3.2.1 | 76 | 43 | 157984 |
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Assign multiple bylines to posts, pages, and custom post types via a search-as-you-type input box. Co-authored posts appear on a co-author's archive page and in their feed. Co-authors may edit the pos... ts they are associated with, and co-authors who are contributors may only edit posts if they have not been published (as is core behavior). Add writers as bylines without creating WordPress user accounts. Simply create a guest author profile for the writer and assign the byline as you normally would. On the frontend, use the Co-Authors Plus template tags to list co-authors anywhere you'd normally list the author. This plugin is an almost complete rewrite of the Co-Authors plugin originally developed at Shepherd Interactive (2007). The original plugin was inspired by the 'Multiple Authors' plugin by Mark Jaquith (2005). | ||||||||
Author Bio Box | 3.3.0 | 100 | 10 | 38450 |
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Display a box with the author's biography in your WordPress Display a box with the author's biography and also social icons in bottom of the post. Contribute You can contribute to the source code in our GitHub page. Credits Initial idea by Gustavo Freitas. | ||||||||
WP About Author | 1.5 | 90 | 17 | 71663 |
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Easily display customizable author bios below your posts This plugin is the easiest way to add a customizable author bio below your posts. The plugin works right out of the box with WordPress built in profiles. Customization capabilities include Three border styles to match any theme Change background color with easy to use color picker Display settings allow you to control when to display author bios Display text links or icons to a users social media profiles Change the size and shape of your avatar This plugin also expands your profile page by adding popular social media fields so it's easier for readers to follow your authors. | |||||||| Payment Gateway For WooCommerce | 5.0.1 | 80 | 26 | 115087 |
| ||| Payment Gateway For WooCommerce extends the functionality of WooCommerce to accept payments from credit/debit cards using Payment Gateway for WooCommerce makes your website ready to use payment gateway to accept credit/debit cards on your woocommerce store in safe way. HMAC-SHA512 Compatible version. is most widely used payment gateway to process payments online and accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover and other variants of cards. Latest WooCommerce v3x Compatible Akamai Update Compatible Features Few features of this plugin: No SSL required No PCI required Easy to install and configure Option to configure success & failure message Safe way to process credit cards and debit cards on WooCommerce using SIM This plugin use hosted solution provided by and payment is processed on secured servers of Now with Option to use Authorize only mode. Contact me for any Help you need to setup or need extra feature, just leave a comment Contact Our Dedicated Plugin Support **Contact our plugin support and quick solutions at plugin support for WooCommerce Plugin Follow on Twitter for plugin related updates and help Follow Ishan Verma Arbitrary section | ||||||||
Remove/hide Author, Date, Category Like Entry-Meta | 2.1 | 48 | 16 | 74689 |
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Do you want to Remove/hide Author, Date, Category, Comment and Edit links like Entry-Meta just install this plugin and it removes all entry meta. Remove total entry meta or Specific meta: Just install this plugin and it removes all entry meta from site. If you want to remove selected meta go to this plugin setting and select check boxes which meta want to hide. By default this plugin removes the total entry meta | ||||||||
WordPress Author Profile Avatars List | 1.3 | 100 | 3 | 14136 |
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The plugin as name suggest display list of authors in your website using widget area section. This plugin is very simple for any user to show the author in the sidebar. Simply, just drag the author widget into the sidebar and the Wordpress Author Profile Avatars List plugin show the author in sidebar. The Plugin used the tabular format system in which you can add any number of columns depending upon the sidebar width.You can exclude the some authors which you do no want to display in the sidebar widgets just by typing the author name separated by comma. eg:sam,sabir in the column. For further information or if you have any questions/installation please do not hesitate to contact us on our website: Features Display the list of authors. Display the list of by role ( Pro) . Clicking on author\'s link, anyone can access all authors posts and profile. Sort the authors by total number of posted by the author. You can sort authors according to their number of articles, top posting author will be on top and hence you can set competition of posting articles on your web, seeing their name on top of the list will encourage them to write article. In short, you can keep you authors satisfied by giving them equal rights and equal opportunities to come on top by using our amazing plugin. ( Pro) If someone hover on author\'s link, then authors number of posts count will be visible. Make your author list in fancy and attractive way.( Pro Version ) For more information click here : Fancy author demo link Hide the name and link ( Pro) Responsive and support all browser. Shortcode is available in ( Pro) For more information visit: Watch Video | ||||||||
WP Author, Date and Meta Remover | 1.0.4 | 60 | 22 | 103982 |
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Don't need the post date and author meta data on your pages? Install WP Author, Date and Meta Remover and its gone. It's that easy! Customize your meta data instantly or just eliminate it! WP Author, Date and Meta Remover Pro+ is now available. WP ADMR Pro+ for Intelligent Meta Data Control. WordPress has become the staple for many online business owners creating their online presence. The CMS is so easy and convenient and the themes are becoming more spectacular with every new generation. That is to say, WordPress is just not a blog anymore. Many posts in business are not time sensitive. Rather they contain information that is pertinent for many months or even a novelty that can be relevant for many years such as in evergreen businesses. A time stamp and author information stands out as unnatural and irrelevant is such posts. Now it is as simple as installing a plugin and the author meta data is gone. It's as easy as that. WP Author, Date and Meta Remover is based on the CSS model for removing author meta data from standard WordPress themes, i.e. 2011-2016. The plugin is simple; it uses a CSS file linked into the header of your pages with very simple code to remove the author meta data. There is no need to write a child theme, the plugin will do the work for you. The plugin is so simple; there is no load on runtime. Please understand that the plugin is based on the standard WordPress themes 2011-2014 CSS code for removing the author meta data. It will remove the meta data for a majority of themes on the market. However, it may not work on themes produced by some theme foundries. If WP Author, Date and Meta Remover do not work with your website theme, consult the theme author for more information on removing the metadata. You're welcome to send me the information to help build a better plugin. Useful Links: Homepage Training Center Support WP ADMR Pro+ Video Main Fetures: Personalize your post and page meta data on the fly. Or just eliminate it! Use your own phrases and icons for the author, date, category, comments, and tags! Built in tool tips and full training center to get your up and runing fast. Uses any image file formate such as .gif, .jpg, .ico, .png and more. WP ADMR Pro+ makes any square image a meta data icon regardless of size. Create your own custom WP ADMR Pro+ theme to match your blog or business brand... See Customize WP ADMR Pro+ WP ADMR Pro+ is built on a jQuery and Ajax foundation for seamless integration into your WordPress Theme. Works of both free and premium themes. WP ADMR Pro+ overrides premium themes special epanel. Even if it has meta data settings! WP ADMR Pro+ will display meta data information for the author, date, category, comments, and tags even if the theme author did not originally include it! Customize or eliminate meta data with multiple class div tags. We built WP ADMR Pro+ on jQuery & Ajax on purpose. Use dot notation to string classes together. NOTE: All feedback and suggestions are welcome. I am constantly looking for ways to improve and upgrade WP Author, Date and Meta Remover. Please contact me with your ideas for a better plugin. | ||||||||
Author Box Plugin With Different Description | 1.3.5 | 60 | 2 | 9453 |
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The Plugin will add an author box to your site. It also gives a flexibility to add different description for the same author according to the post. This Plugin will add an author box to your post contents. The box contains author's avatar, name, post count, site link, description, Email, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Linkedin. Features: Supports custom description to your post and pages, with the custom field author_desc. Default author description is from user profile but if custom field is there it will display the author description from custom field. Add Facebook, Google, Linkedin, Youtube, Pinterest and Twitter custom fields to User Profile page (URLs are nofollow). Gives you an option to select the contact fields for the user profiles from admin panel. Select where you want to show the author box, on the top of the page or at bottom. Support for custom CSS, so you can customize your author box display. You can stop loading the Author Box CSS and create a custom tags for your author box. [who has written 100 post] link to the author page with rel="author", you just need to link back to the author page on your Google Profile Page to make your authorship information to appear in search results for the content you create. Learn more: Option to show social media profile as an image or text, you can select it from Admin Panel. Option to add author box manually at any location in your theme. For Support Open a ticket at Support Forum. Github: Github Repository. | ||||||||
Comment Moderation E-mail only to Author | 0.4 | 100 | 2 | 11315 |
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Send comment moderation notifications ONLY to the Author, not to the site Administration address any more. This plugin could also have been called Don't bother the Site Administrator with every other author's Comment Moderation Notifications, unless the author has no moderation rights but since that's a slightly longer title, I chose to keep it as simple as I could. However, it explains well what this plugin does: Normaly, when a comment gets submitted to a particular post, the author of that post gets a notification about it. But when that comment is held for moderation (which depends on your sites comment settings) then the moderation notification is sent to both the post Author (if he/she has moderation rights) and the sites Administrative moderator e-mail address as configured under Settings > General at the same time. For many blogs or sites where the owner is the only author and his/her account uses the same e-mail address as the Administrative moderator e-mail address, this will boil down to one message to one address. But when the Site Admin is not the only author, like on colaboration sites or sites managed by a webmaster or designer where other people like the client usually posts, this might result in flooding the admins mailbox with moderation messages that are not really his/her concern. The site admin, with enough on his/her mind already, is bothered with each and every new comment in the moderation queue. This plugin changes that. Just install and activate it: All post comment moderation notifications will be sent only to each respective Post Author. If, by any chance, the post author has no moderation rights (Contributor level) or there is no author e-mail set then the default site e-mail address will still get the notification. Works on WordPress 3.7 and above in both Normal and Multi-site mode. | ||||||||
Plugin Name | Version | Rating | Reviews | Downloads | Flag | |||
Fancier Author Box by ThematoSoup | 1.4 | 96 | 29 | 164094 |
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Give identity to your single or multi-author WordPress website with Fancier Author Box - The Only Author Box Plugin You'll Ever Need. If you're looking for a way to make your every page a landing page for new contacts and leads, then you will find Fancier Author Box by ThematoSoup invaluable. Make your every post stand out and attract your readers' eyes. Connect with your audience on all levels and make sure people always read your author's bio and engage you on social networks. Social Networks Twitter Facebook Google+ & automatic Google Authorship verification (rel=author) LinkedIn Instagram Flickr Pinterest Tumblr YouTube Vimeo Job title (position) Company Company URL Display Settings Allow you to choose where Fancier Author Box appears on your website. Show in posts (above, below, both, none) Show in pages (above, below, both, none) Show in custom post types (above, bellow, both, none) Bio - This is a standard author bio description. It uses your Gravatar image and alows you to put social profile icons Latest Posts - Shows number of latest posts you specify and dates Color Settings Allow you to change colors of just about any author box element. These elements include: Inactive Tab Inactive Tab Border Inactive Tab Background Active Tab Active Tab Border Active Tab Background Tab Content Tab Content Border Tab Content Background | ||||||||
Google SEO Pressor for Rich snippets | 1.4.1 | 76 | 10 | 59633 |
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Google SEO Author Snippet Plugin automatically structures your website content with The standardization helps you to come up in Google search with easy addition of SEO friendly snippets. Y... ou can uniquely define for each Post, Page, Custom Post and Product. You can also add social shares to your website authors to catch followers. To know more about structuring your data, you can refer structured data documentation Supports all snippets as recommended by Google Rich snippets – Articles Rich snippets – Breadcrumbs Rich snippets – Events Rich snippets – Music Rich snippets – Organizations Rich snippets – People Rich snippets – Products Rich snippets – Recipes Rich snippets – Reviews Rich snippets – Software applications Rich snippets – Videos: Facebook Share and RDFa Advantages Easily rank your website content in Google. Social shares for author to build social relationships. Turn visitor into Customer. Reduces overall bounce rate. Encourages users to register before commenting on Posts Helpful links Visit Smackcoders to explore more WordPress products. You can write to us your comments, feedback at Get to know about other WordPress addons and latest product update news at | ||||||||
Show Hide Author | 2.3 | 90 | 15 | 95126 |
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Choose whether to show or hide the author's name. With this plugin you can choose whether to show or hide the author's name from specific pages and post categories. Choose to show or hide the author name In Different Post Types In Individual Pages In Custom URLs Themes Tested Twenty Ten by Wordpress Twenty Eleven by Wordpress Twenty Twelve by Wordpress Theme Revenge on Magnificent by ElegantThemes Portfolio Press by Devin Price Clearphoto by Solostream In Future Versions Choose to show or hide the author name In Individual Categories By Author Role and Name Expanding the plugin's functionality, will depend on user's correspondence and the free time I have. So if you need more from this plugin, don't hesitate to ask for it. | ||||||||
Author Avatars List | 1.9.9 | 96 | 26 | 182000 |
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Display lists of user avatars using widgets or shortcodes. With Gutenberg support. This plugin makes it easy to display lists of user avatars, grouped by user roles, on your (multiuser) site. It also allows you to insert single avatars for blog users or any email address into a post or page - great for displaying an image of someone you're talking about. It makes use of built in WordPress (core) functions to retrieve user information and get avatars. Avatar lists can be inserted into your sidebar by adding a widget or into posts/pages by using a shortcode. The plugin comes with a tinymce editor plugin which makes inserting shortcodes very easy. Please help with the plugin Translations at Both the shortcode and widget can be configured to: Show a custom title (widget only) Only show specific user groups and/or hide certain users Limit the number of users shown Change the sort order of users or show in random order Adjust the size of user avatars Optionally show a user's name or biography Show users from the current blog, all blogs or a selection of blogs (on WPMU/Multisite) Group users by their blog (when showing from multiple blogs), and show the blog name above each grouping. Support users from Co-Author Plus, Ultimate Member, BBpress and BuddyPress (xprofile) Limit the number of avatars per page for large sets by adding a page_size to the shortcode e.g. "page_size=30" (shortcode only) Additionally, single user avatars can be inserted using the show_avatar shortcode and configured to: Adjust the size of the user avatar. Align the avatar left, centered or right. Please report bugs and provide feedback in the wordpress support forum. Plugin support: In 2011, Ben stepped down as maintainer of the Plugin, handing over ownership to co-author Paul Bearne, who continues to provide support and drive the development of new features. | ||||||||
Google Authorship | 2.0 | 60 | 2 | 14470 |
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New Google Authorship Badge and Google Authorship Icon and Authorship Link. Badge and Icon are Recommended by Google. Shortcode and Widget Available Special Version for Google Authorship. All in on Google Authorship. Google Authorship Badge Google Authorship Icon Authorship Link Note: the Head shot display on Google seach has been deprecated Availability Shortcode Widget Code Google Authorship Documentation of Google Authorship By Mervin Praison More Information : SEO Manager UK Version history Version 1.0 Initial release version. Documentation of Google Authorship By Mervin Praison | ||||||||
YITH WooCommerce Payment Gateway | 1.1.11 | 82 | 9 | 77291 |
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YITH Payment Gateway extends the WooCommerce default payment modes, adding the possibility to pay with credit cards through the services offered by the network. A system th... at indeed includes an amount of reliability, with the guarantee that your purchase process will not be stopped by lost payments. In addition, research have proved that the more payment methods are available on your website, the more website’s reliability is improved: this means that adding credit card will persuade more in choosing your shop to purchase. Main features: Use of for the payment system Neat redirect to’s pages for the conclusion of the payment A completely automatic Instant Payment Notification service managed by Suggestions If you have suggestions about how to improve YITH Payment Gateway, you can write us so we can bundle them into YITH Payment Gateway. Translators Available Languages English (Default) Italian – ITALY Spanish – SPAIN Dutch – NETHERLANDS Need to translate this plugin into your own language? You can contribute to its translation from this page. Your help is precious! Thanks Documentation Full documentation is available here. | ||||||||
Edit Author Slug | 1.6.0 | 98 | 54 | 478603 |
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Allows an admin (or capable user) to edit the author slug of a user, and change the author base. This plugin allows full control of your user permalinks, allowing you to change both the author base (the ‘/author/’ portion of the author URLs), and the author slug (defaults to the username of the author). You can set the author base globally, or you can set it to be user-specific based on a user’s role. You now have the power to craft the perfect URL structure for you Author pages. WordPress default structure Edit Author Slug allows for Using a role-based author base would allow for (for an Administrator Role), or (for a Subscriber Role). Development of this plugin takes place on GitHub. Pull requests are always welcome! Translations should be submitted to Translate WordPress. | ||||||||
Google Plus Authorship | 2.6 | 86 | 8 | 83452 |
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Add Google Plus Profile Picture to Google Search Results. Very Easy to implement! Google authorship for multiple authors Google Plus Profile Picture appear in Google Search. Integrate Google Plus Profile with WordPress. Make your website come up in Google. Including Google authorship for multiple authors and for wordpress multisite Just 3 easy steps to process: 1. Plugin Installation 2. Enter Google Profile URL in Profile Page 3. Post a link back from Google Plus Profile to Your Current Website | ||||||||
AuthorSure | 2.3 | 96 | 13 | 136968 |
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Makes it easy to set up Google Authorship and build your brand in Google search results for single and multi-author sites Makes it easier to get Google Authorship Verification Uses rel=author, rel=me and rel=publisher links to connect your posts, archives, authors pages, Google Plus profiles and Google Plus pages. Works on single and multiple author sites Supports several ways to link your posts/pages to your author pages: byline, footnote, author box or menu link. Helps you set up your archive pages for Google authorship verification Allows you to add a title, short or extended bio and sub-headings to your author pages Creates links from your site's author pages to the authors' Google Plus Profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and Skype as well as Google+ Creates a link from your home page to your Google Plus Page for your product, brand or organization Allows you to control whether your rich snippets show the original post publication date or the last time the post was updated. Allows you to control whether external links in the author bios are rel=nofollow Ability to control whether or not you have Google Authorship for custom post types See has set-up instructions for most popular WordPress themes AuthorSure supplies some shortcodes for use on multi-author sites or where you want more control over placement: [authorsure_authors] displays author boxes with photos and bios for all your authors [authorsure_author_box] allows you to place the author box exactly where you want on the page [authorsure_author_profiles] allows you to place the social icons exactly where you want on the page | ||||||||
VK Post Author Display | 1.3.9 | 90 | 2 | 22888 |
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Display to Post Author Information Box on bottom of the contents. Display to Post Author Information Box on bottom of the contents. | ||||||||
Plugin Name | Version | Rating | Reviews | Downloads | Flag | |||
Author Spotlight (Widget) | 3.2 | 90 | 2 | 24157 |
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A Sidebar widget to display the Author(s) profile on any Page or Post along with Social web links. Author Spotlight widget displays the profile of the author(s) with Social links (example: Website, Twitter, Facebook) and profile picture or gravatar on any post or page that has an Author. The widget automatically detects the current author(s) of the displayed post or page; just drag and drop the widget on your sidebar and you are done. To display a custom photograph with the Author's Profile you may install the User Photo. In absence of this plugin the 'Author Spotlight" widget will fall-back to displaying the Gravatar associated with the user. If your posts have multiple authors you may use the Co-Authors Plus, the Author Spotlight will then display all the author profiles one below another for such post/page. Note that installing the User Photo or Co-Author plugin is purely optional. This widget will work fine without them, but they are nice to have. If you face any issues with the plugin or have any suggestion/feature requests please do submit there at this place. | ||||||||
Meks Smart Author Widget | 1.0.8 | 100 | 5 | 72897 |
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Easily display your author/user profile info inside WordPress widget. Simple plugin which allows you to display author/user info inside WordPress widget. Smart feature of this plugin is user/author "auto detection" which means that it can optionally show author of current post on single post templates or on specific author archive. Features Flexible display options Auto detect post author on single post and author templates Custom avatar size Link avatar image to author archive (optional) Link user display name to author archive (optional) Replace widget title with user display name (optional) Smart Author Widget plugin is created by MeksHQ Live preview? You can see Smart Author Widget live example on our Throne theme demo website | ||||||||
Custom About Author | 1.6 | 94 | 3 | 44826 |
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This plugin displays the author profile at the end of the post. There is the option to display the author's user profile or a custom profile. This plugin acknowleges authors for their post by displaying a brief biography about them at the end of their post. Giving authors the credit they deserve! This plugin is perfect if you have multiple guest bloggers on your website and they do not each have a user account. It also gives an added incentive for bloggers to write guest posts on your site. Multiple custom profiles can be created and they take preference over website user profiles. You also have the option to specify a specific profile to display for each post. Custom profiles are completely configurable, it can include links to social media (such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Google+) or you can specify any HTML/text you want to display. To specify a custom profile on a post, you just need to create a custom field called post-author with the value of the custom profile username. Plugin features: Display author profile at end of post. Display website user profile or a custom profile. Custom profile displayed take precedence over website profile. Able to display ANY custom profile (does not need to match the username of the post author) Ability to display profile display on a per post author basis or on a post basis. Option to include social media buttons on both website profile or custom profile. Custom Profile is fully configurable. You can choose to display anything you like in there. This plugin displays the author profile at the end of the post. It gives you have the option to display the author's website user profile or a custom profile. Why should my post have an author profile? Author profiles at the end of every posts are important as they allow readers to learn more about the post authors. Also search engines uses author profiles to identify users and when done properly, are able to link users to post articles. Have you done a Google search and notice that some of the result entries have a picture of the author next to them? Thats because those posts have an author profile. Find out more at A handy plugin from little Handy Tips 🙂 Support Us and make a donation at | ||||||||
Post Author | 1.1.1 | 100 | 2 | 42483 |
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Display author, writing and editing date - fully customizable for content, excerpt, home, archive... with exceptions. Great for multi-author websites. NEW each author now links to a personnal page or external URL, in addition to author posts (default) NEW better integration with home, archive categories and custom loops NEW a few more options with avatar, before/after content NEW no repetition of author name if revision author is the same This great simple plugin, written with multimedia agency Glanum, adds the author and date at the top or bottom of the content on posts, on pages and on archive categories (optionally along with last modified date and author), with a fully custom per-post / per-page hide option. Especially usefull for multi-author sites and blogs: Name of the author of the post or page, optional avatar Date of first publication Author and date of last revision It is flexible and offers the following options in the admin menu: Display the post author info independently on posts, pages, archive categories and home Specific per-post/per-page exception: hide the info on any post and page you want! Choose: before or after the content or the excerpt independently Optional link on author name to WP's default author posts list or now to a custom author page or external URL Write your own label before and after the name of the author: e.g. Contributed by Author Name for OurNewsBlog Date of 1st publication is optional, and supports surrounding text like above Author and date of last revision are both independently optional, and only display if revision author or date are different from the original, with surrounding text The plugin is initially intended for very small to much larger multi-author blogs (newspaper, magazine, webzine, collaborative publications, communities...) when an article is supposed to be signed by its author and not remain anonymous, as commonly expected in journalism and publishing. Lastly, information is displayed in nested div and span so it is CSS ready, just up to you to do the styling to your taste. See the screenshots. Integrates great with qTranslate for multilingual or international blogs, using Quicktags Available in English, French, Belarusian (credit Marcis Gasuns), German (credit Rian Kremer), Hebrew (credit Sagive), Romanian (credit Luke Tyler), Slovak (credit Branco Radenovich) and Farsi (credit Hamed Nourhani). | ||||||||
Author Image | 4.9.3 | 60 | 3 | 128912 |
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Lets you easily add author images on your site. The Author Image plugin for WordPress lets you easily add author images on your site. It creates a widget that you can insert in a sidebar or any other widget area allowed by your theme. The plugin now supports a short code [author-image] you cna use to directly add the image to the page or post content. Alternatively, you can place the following call in the loop where you want the author image to appear: <?php the_author_image($author_id = null); ?> This $author_id parameter is optional. If it is not passed in, the code will attempt to get the current author of the page/post. A second version of this function exists whereby you can pass in width and height to display the image. <?php the_author_image_size($width, $height, $author_id = null); ?> This $author_id parameter is optional. If it is not passed in, the code will attempt to get the current author of the page/post. To configure your author image, browse Users / Your Profile in the admin area. Setting Author Image Size You can adjust the actual display size in the Author Image widget or by using the_author_image_size function call. If you do not specify a size the width and height of the actual image will be used. Shortcode You can use [author-image] to display the uploaded author image in your page/post content. Author's Bio You can configure the widget so it outputs the author's description in addition to his image. This fits well on a site where the author's image is placed in a sidebar, or the Semiologic theme when the widget is placed immediately after the posts' content -- i.e. "About The Author." Gravatar Support The uploaded image will be used as your gravatar by themes that call the get_avatar() function. This will override an image set on Multi-Author Sites For sites with multitudes of authors, the widget offers the ability to insert a link to the author's posts -- his archives. Single Author Sites Normally the widget will only display an author image when it can clearly identify who the content's author actually is. In other words, on singular pages or in the loop. If you run a single author site, or a site with multiple ghost writers, be sure to check the "This site has a single author" option. The widget will then output your image at all times. Alternate About Page Link Normally the widget will use the author's posts page (/author/authorname/) is the image is clicked on. If your site has a dedicated page for the author, such as an 'About Me' page, there is a new field in 'Your Profile' called 'About Me Page'. Entering a url in this field (/about-me/) will cause the widget to use this link as opposed to /author/authorname. Retrieving Author Url You can retrieve the url to the respective author image by calling the function <?php the_author_image_url($author_id = null); ?> If $author_id is blank the plugin will attempt to determine the current author and retrieve his/her image. Help Me! The Plugin's Forum is the best place to report issues. | ||||||||